"Stupid Mistakes"

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Watching the Duggar parents call their son's molestation of their own daughters and another girl "stupid mistakes" infuriates me. They have got to be kidding with that line of BS. The daughters call it the same thing. REALLY? Would they all say the same if it were someone outside their family who had done the same thing?

A "stupid mistake" when you're 15 is drinking a beer out of the fridge while your parents are at work, not molesting children. It is truly frightening that these people can rationalize something so heinous. I would understand their supporting him, but to dismiss this criminal act as a stupid mistake is simply ridiculous.

The police let the whole thing go because the son had gotten counseling. That decision is for a judge, not a police department! It's also convenient how the statute of limitations ran out with the late reporting (during which time the molestation continued within their own family) and the sweeping under the rug by their police.

How anyone can watch that show is beyond me. I hope they never put it back on the air. 

And now (quantum leap...) I see on GMA that Red Cross is being accused yet again of misspending donations. Hasn't everyone learned that Red Cross doesn't spend their money the way you assume they do? They've been accused of misspending all over the country for years (just search Google). When you donate, they spend where they feel money is needed, which may not be in the local area.

I think I'll turn off the news now, so I can get a more positive start to my Thursday. Ha!


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