Odyssey Finished
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Both Jeff and I just finished Super Mario Odyssey this past week!! Yes, I know we're all sorts of late to that party. And by "finished," I don't mean that either of us got all 999 moons, thus "completing" the game. We each got all the moons we are capable of getting, just missing several Koopa races and a few other moons like Volleyball/Jump Rope Genius, which... seriously- who got those?
Very amusing that Google is now suggesting brainy searches for me, like "moons around Saturn" and "Jupiter moons," because I've been looking up Super Mario moon clues for the last ones I was missing. Thanks, Google.
(Kathie Lee and Hoda are on while I'm typing and Andy Cohen is subbing for Kathie. He just called Donna-dorable "Donna Dor-ahhh-blay." Aaahahaha.)
Anyhoo... now we're on to playing Mario Kart.
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