American Idol

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Paula's strangeness is beyond words. Yesterday she had stated on Entertainment Tonight that she commented on Jason's second song before he sang it because she had just mistakenly written Jason's name next to her comments for David C's 1st performance. We know that is complete crap because she had moved on to David C's comments before Randy stopped her and said they were only commenting on the first song. She also said to Jason, "I thought you sang twice!"

Today the story is that she was reading from notes she wrote at rehearsal, where the contestants sang both songs together. She can't even get her story straight. And was she so out of it that she wasn't watching the show as it aired? And she shouldn't be writing her comments at rehearsal so she can read them on air. That's not fair to the contestants, who might kick it up a notch (or forget the lyrics) for the actual show. Maybe she shouldn't attend the rehearsal.

I liked Brooke a lot, but I think song choice and nerves did her in. David A finally sang a more upbeat song this week, and actually smiled during the song for the first time in weeks. He still looks like he's in some sort of trance when he sings lately. I'm sure it's hard for him, but I'd hope he could enjoy his time on stage.

Waiting for the Davids in the final.


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