Your American Idol...
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The kiddos were telling me today that on the DVR'd American Idol from last night, since the show went over, it ended like this:
"The winner of American Idol 2008...... is...... David...."
Ahahaha! That is hilarious.
That explains why you missed the tummy shot. It was at the very, very end with the credits rolling.
His bottom button was unbuttoned, unbeknownst to him, and when he raised his arms....voila! Niiiiiice tummy. Not a 6 pack, but verrrry nice. Very sexy. Rawr!!
But I saw it live! So I just missed it. He doesn't need to have six-pack abs to be hot.
I'm a tummy girl, so when I noticed that his button was undone, I honed in on the tummy, just praying that he would raise those arms. God is good to me. lol
I would have been thrown out if I were there, cause if I was close enough, I wouldn't have been able to stop myself from rubbing his tummy fur. I tell ya, it's an obsession. I need help. lol
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