American Idol
Thursday, May 8, 2008
I am ticked at all three judges this week for the way they treated Jason on performance night. He sang the same as he has the entire season, except for forgetting the words in a spot. They liked him before, but suddenly they tossed him out with the trash after "I Shot the Sheriff." Same Jason as week 1. Whatever.
He was never going to win. His singing voice is not the greatest of the bunch. But he has a lot of fans and his own style.
Syesha has a beautiful voice (when she's not pitchy), but could she be any more bland? She's the most generic singer I've ever seen. She is exactly what I think Simon should call a "hotel lounge singer." Not that there's anything wrong with that.
We voted our fingers off this week at our house. Just wait until finals. The Davids!
Since they started singing multiple songs, it seems that they always choose to do a studio version for iTunes of the song I don't want. Grr.
I wonder if David Cook could tour with Daughtry? That would be uber-kewl.
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