Did that Kid Just Fall Into a Piano?
Saturday, October 5, 2013
The other day, I talked about watching a bunch of movies, but I forgot to mention we also did finally watch Insidious.
The thing that was most entertaining about it to me was the concept of
ghosts or undead spirits appearing as solid-bodied people. Usually in
horror films, ghosts are very ethereal and if you can see them at all,
they are translucent or shadowy. Every time an entity just simply walked through a scene or was suddenly sitting on the couch or something, I jumped out of my seat.
music wasn't great though. At one point early in the movie, the young son was
in the attic and he screamed. It sounded- not even kidding- like he fell
into the back of a piano. I'm thinking he literally fell into a piano. But no. It was just "scary music."
Then last weekend, Lauren and I saw Insidious: Chapter 2,
which was really good! They tied in the two movies in a VERY clever
way. I was quite impressed. And it turns out Lauren was right. If you
haven't seen the first one, you were probably confused in a couple of
places where the rest of us were like "OMG- WOW!!"
Lauren and I (mouthing to each other, in shock): OMG-WOW!!
Lady behind us: Are those all the people that guy has killed?
Guy behind us: No. I'll tell you later.
In other news, I am again tiring of sifting through pissy political posts on Facebook. Not the rare posts on specific issues about which someone has strong feelings, but rather the constant flow of Republican or Democrat rubbish. People who are into arguing politics are always entrenched on one side or the other. Their posts are entirely predictable and almost invariably originate from sources that lean towards (or declare outright) their chosen side. After seeing the same party line posts from some friends for years, I sometimes want to add a sarcastic reply like, "So wait. Let me get this straight. You're against *gun control/prayer in schools/other political item*?" *snort*
Those of us who want to see compromise in government and a stop to interminable and fruitless bickering don't post polarizing political items. If you take the time to look, Washington, you'll find that's the overwhelming majority of us.
Just saying.
There's an app that replaces all political posts with photos of kittens. Lisa said it works really well (and that she's seen a heaping crapload of kittens lately). I'm still looking for one that replaces them with naked Adam Levine photos.
And I can already hear my political posting friends saying they tire of sifting through my Aggie football posts. Well that is... TOTALLY DIFFERENT. ;)
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