Lambo!! Whoop!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

In a drought, nothing is sweeter than the sound of rain on the roof. It's been raining solid for the last eleven hours. So nice!

Went to Master Pancake Theater at the Alamo Ritz on Sixth Street last night with Steph and Crystal. (Silence of the Lambs.... pretty funny!) Then we had drinks at Iron Cactus next door, where the Aggie game was on and I kept an eye on the score now and then.

That was the first A&M football game I've missed in years! Luckily, the game went long and I made it home in time to see most of the last quarter. Talk about a nail-biter. It was a day for Top Ten upsets and it looked like we might be another casualty, but Lambo-ghini pulled it out! 3 seconds left and he punched it through the uprights. YEAH BABY! No pressure or anything. Ha!

Sunday Stealing: My Random Randomness Meme, part 2

What was your first alcoholic drink? As a good German girl, I had sips of beer my entire childhood. My first whole alcoholic drink was straight tequila. *shudder*

What was your first job? telephone sales for the Houston Post newspaper

What was your first car? a used maroon Mazda GLC

What was your first mobile phone?  a Nokia something-or-other

What is your first proper memory? seeing a spider in our front windowsill when I was 3

Who was your first teacher?
Miss Vodrey at Shawanoe Elementary in Kansas City. I was in preschool before that, and I remember it well, but sadly, I can't remember my preschool teacher's name.

Which fictional character do you wish was real?
Superman. He could help out with natural disasters and petty criminals and everything in between.

Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? Frankfurt to Houston when I was a toddler. My Dad had gotten a job working at NASA.

Who was your first best friend? In elementary school, my BFF was my next-door neightbor, Lori. Back then, we all called her Dee. (Her middle name is Deanne.) It was always hilarious to me that teachers called her Lori. "LORI." Hee hee. She's totally a Dee.

What was your first detention for? I never had detention, you juvenile delinquents.

What's your strongest sense? touch

Who was your first kiss? Frank B

What was the first film you remember seeing at the cinema? Benji (1974)

What's the largest amount of money you've ever won? $100 at a pre-screening of a TV pilot

What's the largest amount of money you've spent in one spree? Hmm. Probably $600 on work clothing when I went back to work in January.

If you had a warning label, what would yours say? No patience for idiots.
(Because of work, I always type "patients" now, when I mean to type "patience." I just did it again. Incidentally, I always type SEX instead of SEC. Do y'all do that, too? Sorry... digressing...)

Have you ever got sweet revenge on anyone? I'm not at all a vengeful person. I can't remember a single time I've even considered revenge. I have, however, seen (and admittedly enjoyed) karma in action. When you treat people badly, it naturally comes back to you.

Have you ever been to a live concert? a bajillion times

Have you ever been to see stand up comedy?  several times

Have you ever needed stitches? Never for an injury.


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