Happy Weekend!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

I haven't gone grocery shopping on a Friday night in years, but it was surprisingly vacant at 8pm on Friday, to the point where I wondered of there was something going on I wasn't aware of. (Nope, only FRIDAY NIGHT. Why are you here.)

Third loss of the season last night at Kyle Field. For all that is good and holy, can someone please fire Spavital?

Sunday Stealing: Big Bad Meme

1. Is there anyone else in the room with you? What are they doing?
No one else gets up this early in my house.

2. Do you show your teeth when you smile, or do you prefer smiling with your lips closed?
My teeth show.

3. Would you rather be told the truth, even if it isn’t what you want to hear? 
If I'm asking the question, I deserve a straight answer. We all have the right to navigate our lives knowing the truth.

4. What is something that you plan to buy, as soon as you’ve saved up the money for it?
A new kitchen.

5. Do you play Sudoku? 
Now and then. I'm on more of a Spider Solitaire kick.

6. Have you ever had a migraine? 
I get migraines about 2-3 times a year. I take Excedrine Migraine and get on with things. Not too big a deal for me.

7. What was the last book you read for pleasure?
Why is this question on every other meme? I can't even remember. Probably Bethenny Frankel's book, Skinnydipping.

8. What was the last item of clothing you purchased for yourself?
a red, Christmas-y top

9. Your first serious relationship, do you still talk to him/her? 
I haven't spoken to John in person since 1989, although he last contacted me online when my dad died a few years ago, to give his condolences. Jeff and I were going to have lunch with him about ten years ago, but he blew through town without showing up and then texted when he was home to say he couldn't make it. (Par for that course.)

10. Who is the last person you texted? 

11. How close is your family?
We're not super-close. Not that we're estranged or anything. Mom's side of the family are just spread out throughout the country (aunt in Denver, uncles in Gulf Shores and Chicago). My dad's family are all in Germany. When I was growing up, we were very close to my grandparents and aunt/uncles in College Station. We saw them every couple of months or so until Grandma passed away and the kids left Texas.

12. Is there anything too serious to be joked about? 
Nope. There is a time and place for jokes, but there will eventually be a time and place for everyone to laugh about even the most tragic of circumstances. Some of the best jokes Laura and I have are about the most tragic things. (I love you, L, but do you have to wake me up EVERY TIME I stop breathing from too much morphine? I bet that nurse never did get fired.)

13. Do you like to understand and have good knowledge of things? 

14. What is worse? Back pain or shoulder pain? 
Back pain is more difficult to relieve, I think, because everything in your body connects to it. I've had shoulder pain that made me want to put my head through a wall though, so it's all bad.

15. Have you ever almost fallen off of something high off the ground?

16. What’s one fruit you love in drinks?

17. What is something simple that you’re afraid of?
I need to phone a friend on this one, because I have no idea what this means. Scorpions are pretty simple. Yes?

18. Has this weekend been good? 
Other than the Aggie game, yes.

19. How much time do you take to get ready in the morning?
About 45 minutes. I take my showers at night, to save some time in the morning. 

20. Last movie you watched in theaters and with whom? 
I think it was Trainwreck with Jeff.


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