Christmas 2015

Sunday, December 27, 2015

So it's The Day After Boxing Day! I will never forget my dad, stepbrother, stepbro's BFF and I, ready to go shopping in London the day after Christmas 1983, when we found out all the stores were closed for something called Boxing Day.

What. The. ?!


Anyhoo... The beef tenderloin was a big hit! It was super easy and the meat was fantastic. Not an everyday thing at $27 a pound, but yes. Good stuff. I also made crack potatoes, which everyone knows are the best potatoes ever invented. So it worked well. Lauren and Grandma made the strawberry jello, cream cheese, pretzel crust dessert thing, which was delicious. First family Christmas meal at my place is now in the memory books.

We didn't go out to eat one single time while the fam was here. That's probably some sort of record as well. We also didn't finish our 1000 piece puzzle for the first time ever! Ack. That thing is still sitting on the table. We will finish it!

We have finally made a pact with Steven that we will no longer purchase gift cards to exchange at Christmas. (I don't prefer to get anyone a gift card unless it's something really unique that requires it, but that's what he asks for every year.) It's just weird to trade gift cards. I mean, honestly. What exactly is the point? Now the cancellation of this horrible tradition has been decreed! Yaaaaay! And I am free to just give him a gag gift, which is WAY more fun.

Saturday 9: Happy Holidays!

1. As you can see, Sam loved giving her annual wish list to Santa. Yet some children are reluctant to climb into Jolly Old St. Nick's lap. Did you enjoy the tradition or were you shy? Or did you by pass it altogether -- either because you wrote him a letter or because your family didn't celebrate Christmas?

I always enjoyed it! Lots of pics of me on Santa's lap. I didn't want to miss telling him what I wanted, so he wouldn't give me clothes.

2. Are you currently on the Naughty or Nice list? How did you get there?

Nice. I got there by making it through the entire year without silly stringing the office of that person we can't stand at work.

3. Did you ship any gifts to friends and family this year? If so, which one traveled the farthest?
I only shipped one (a live tabletop evergreen arrangement). It went to my Grandpa in Dallas.

4. Did you buy yourself a gift this year?
Guitar Hero Live

5. What's your favorite holiday-themed movie?

Love Actually

6. Thinking of movies, Christmas is lucrative for Hollywood. Have you ever gone to a movie theater on Christmas Day?
We usually go to a movie on Christmas afternoon. We didn't this year.

7. Have you ever suffered an embarrassing moment at the company Christmas party? 
I wish I had, so this answer would be entertaining, but no.

8. What's your favorite beverage in cold weather?
spiced cider

9. Share a memory from last Christmas. 

Going to Johnson City with Scott and Julie!


'Tis the Season to be Jolly

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Fa la la la laaaaaaaaa...

Yesterday, Kathy and I went to Armadillo Bazaar at Palmer Events Center. It's always the best art show in town. I even bought something this year!! It's cut metal folk art by Hayley Nolte. A mirror to be precise. SO cool. I've hung it in my foyer and I am elated to own it. I debated between a cowboy boot motif and a sea turtle motif, both of which I loved, but I have some other decor that is Texas-themed, so I went with the boots. It's perfect! You can see a similar one on their website here (my boot mirror's color scheme is different than the photo there). I think Jeff even likes it.

Today, I helped Kathy bake her Christmas cookies and fudge for her trip home to Houston tomorrow. I'm not doing any baking this year, so it was nice to participate. I will, however, be roasting a beef tenderloin for the first time ever on Friday, so watch for that story right here on Boxing Day.

Tomorrow... Jeff's fam arrives. Let the annual traditional Christmas puzzle begin!

Saturday 9: Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (1979)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) According to a marketing research firm, this song is both one of the most played and most hated songs of the season. Do you like it?

2) In this song, Grandma's troubles start when she drinks too much eggnog. Do you like eggnog?
Yes, but not more than one glass.

3) In the song, Grandpa recovers from losing Grandma by drinking beer and playing cards with Cousin Mel. Will you be celebrating the holidays with cousins?
No, just Jeff's parents and my brother-in-law.

4) When did you most recently drink a beer? Was it in a bottle, a can or a glass?
I vaguely remember recently having a Shiner Bock in a bottle with Jeff.

5) The lyrics refer to "pudding of fig." In "We Wish You a Merry Christmas," the carolers demand figgy pudding. Yet despite its popularity in holiday songs, Sam has never tasted fig pudding. Have you?
I have not.

6) Thinking of holiday sweets, would you prefer a gingerbread cookie or slice of pumpkin pie?
gingerbread cookie

7) This song was recorded by a duo named Elmo & Patsy. It occurs to Sam that she has never met anyone named Elmo. How about you? Any Elmos in your life?
I know no Elmos (Elmoes?).

8) Do you need snow to get "into the spirit?"
I live in central Texas. We very rarely get snow at all, so... nope!

9) Random question: Are you going to get/have you gotten a flu shot this year?
I got my flu shot!


Rolo Tales

Sunday, December 20, 2015

We had our company Christmas potluck this week. I was going to make those Rolo pretzel turtle candies, but when I went to the grocery store to buy the pretzels, Rolos and pecans, those three very specific items were conspicuously GONE from their respective shelf spaces. This told me that tons of people are making these this year and I worried that someone may bring them to the party, so I bought cheddar popcorn to bring instead.

I showed up to work that morning and told KathyG (my office mate) the story of why I hadn't brought the pretzel turtles. She turned and picked up her dish and showed me a full plate of them. HA! Plus, she's been a professional baker for years and decorated hers with red and green icing, so mine would have paled in comparison. Whew! SO glad I didn't make them. 

Sunday Stealing: Why Do You Want To Know That Meme

1. List 5 things you want to do before the year ends. 
box and store all of Lauren's storage items, take some much-needed time away from work (two weeks!), get together with Laura, buy more Neutrogena Rainbath shower gel (I've now tried regular soap and another shower gel and I simply must have it), see a movie

2. What color are your pants? 
I'm not wearing pants.

3. Favorite motivational quote. 
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. -Albert Einstein

4. When was the last time you drank coffee? 
yesterday- Dunkin Decaf from the Keurig

5. What was the last thing you ate? 
cheddar chicken patty, edamame and stuffing/gravy

6. Favorite animal. 

7. Favorite song. 
"Hello" Adele

8. Last movie you watched? 
This is 40

9. Any turn ons?

10. Any turn offs? 

11. List 4 big words off of the top of your head. 
flibbertigibbet, preponderance, supraclavicular, idiosyncrasy

12. What are some meaningful movies? 
Little Miss Sunshine, Love, ActuallySteel Magnolias, Terms of Endearment

13. 2 most important people in your life right now? 
Jeff and Lauren

14. What are 3 things you want for Christmas? 
I only specifically want a new rice steamer

15. When was the last time you read a good book? 
a long time ago

16. What was the last thing you studied?
clinical database software administration

17. Do you have any nicknames? 
not that anyone calls me on a regular basis

18. Favorite kind of perfume? (fruity, alluring, etc.) 
alluring and understated

19. Do you have any international friends / friends who live out of state?
lots of friends out of state, my friend Sue Ellen lives in Sydney, Eva lives in Brussels, Stephen's wife is Australian and they live there, Bob and his English wife live in England

20. What is something unique that you do every single day?
I do nothing unique every single day.

21. If there was a movie based on your life, what would it be called? 
That's What She Said

22. When was the last time you bought a gift for someone? 
I think the last gift I bought was for Lauren on Monday.

23. Are you a shopaholic? 
No, but I do enjoy shopping!

24. What are some songs that always make you feel better? 
"Accidentally In Love" Counting Crows, "Drive By" Train, "You and I" Lady Gaga

25. List 3 activities that you can only enjoy by yourself. 
shopping for clothing (I like time to peruse every little item), creative writing, music through great headphones

26. If you could live in any biome* (and survive) which biome would you live in? (*a large naturally occurring community of flora and fauna occupying a major habitat, e.g., forest or tundra.)
I'm going to say forest, because I would burn with a lot of sun exposure in the other biomes.

27. How do you like being roused in the morning? 
with a very quiet and gentle chiming alarm sound

28. How was your day? What did you do? 
Jeff and I went to lunch at Panera and then ventured to Walmart (omg) to get a few things. At Walmart, we found Guitar Hero Live, which I have been wanting. We bought it and played it all afternoon. SUPERfun. Very realistic.

29. What did your last text message say? 
"Ahaha. It's so hideous, on top of looking anatomical." to Lauren, about the 'vagina sofa' shown on an episode of Ellen this week.

30. Do you respond to texts quickly? 
I always respond to texts as soon as I see them, if I am able to. I don't carry my phone with me all the time, so it is not always an immediate response.

31. Who was the last person you called? 

32. List 5 things that are on your wish list. 
just the rice steamer!

33. If you were famous, what do you think you would be famous for? 
coming up with some sort of efficiency in an industry process

34. Winter or summer? 

35. What is a quality that all people should have?

36. If you could have a large collection of one item, what would that item be? 
gold bars

37. What have you been thinking about lately? 
my vacation, which starts Tuesday

38. What is the secret to a happy life? 
having a purpose that you value

39. What are some phrases you say often? 
"Why on earth would you..."

40. Favorite food? 

41. What is your wish for the world?
peace and tolerance

42. What are some of your greatest fears? 
earthquakes, scorpions, food-borne illnesses

43. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? 
documents from my cardiologist's office

44. Most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen (in real life)? 
the view from the top of Mount Jenner in Bavaria

45. Spicy food: Like or dislike? 

46. Scary movies: Like or dislike? 

47. Do you like to travel?


Monday, Monday

Monday, December 14, 2015

Super Awesome Lyrics du Jour

Why did you let me run
When you knew I'd fall
Through the gaping hole
Where your heart should be...

"Of Crime and Passion" Duran Duran

Oh. Yes. Classic, baby. 

Julie and I saw Brooklyn Sunday. It was really good. It was so beautifully shot as well.

Spoiler-- The only part I didn't get was when Eilis went back to Ireland and got involved with a young man there, just after she and Tony married. Now, had she known him from before or had he saved her from a burning building or some such thing, I might understand that she was "back home" and feeling like maybe her life was there and this man was the person she should have been with, etc. But she and Tony were completely in love and newly married, and I don't think her character would ever have entertained the notion of even hanging out with another guy. I think Eilis would have told her best friend, the very first day she brought him over, that she and Tony had secretly gotten married and that would have been the end of the new guy.

Also, Julie wondered what would have happened if her marriage hadn't been discovered. Would she have stayed? Gosh, I would hope not.

Anyway, it was very good and it's probably on its way out of theaters because it's been out so long. If you get a chance to rent it later, you should!

Ohhhhh A&M Football... What dirt does Spav have on someone that keeps him in that position?  Just wondering.

Very sad to see Kyle Allen go. :(

Saturday 9: Chuck E.'s in Love (1979)
Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Chuck E.'s friends look for him at the pool hall and the drugstore. If we want to find you on a Saturday afternoon, where should we look?
a retail establishment

2) The lyrics tell us his friends know something up with Chuck E because he's even combed his hair. So here's a question about your hair: do you usually use a blow dryer or let it air dry?
blow dry

3) In this song, Ricki Lee sings that she spotted Chuck E. at the Pantages, a grand old Los Angeles theater. Nearly 100 years old, the Pantages was originally a movie palace and was renovated in the 1980s for concerts and theatrical productions. Tell us about a cool landmark in your town.
The state capitol is amazing- the largest in the country, second in square footage only to the US capitol.

4) "Chuck E." is a real person. Chuck E. Weiss is a blues musician and DJ who hung around with Ricki Lee and her boyfriend ... until he fell in love. Have you ever had a friendship fall by the wayside when one of you entered a romantic relationship?
Never permanently. There was always that time at first where the person in a new relationship is hanging out with their new love all the time. Soon enough, you pick back up with the rest of the world.

5) Rickie Lee was once married to a French musician named Pascal Nabet-Meyer. Say something to us in French.
Parlez-vous Anglais?

6) When her popularity was at its height, Rickie Lee appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone twice. Who have you seen on a recent magazine cover?
Gwen Stefani

7) Rolling Stone called Rickie Lee "the duchess of cool." Who is the coolest person you know?

8) 1979 was a good year for Rickie Lee, what with her big hit record and the Rolling Stone covers. But it was a terrible year for The Who, because eleven of their fans died during an Ohio concert. What's your favorite Who song?
"Pinball Wizard"

9) Rickie Lee moved to New Orleans, a city she fell in love with after a visit. Have you ever gone to a vacation spot and wished you could just stay there forever?


Christmas Party

Sunday, December 6, 2015

I've begun weekly quotes from 500 Days of Summer in the ol' sidebar >>>. Why never before?! SO great.

Last night was Jeff's company's Christmas party at the W. In the bar before we all got ready, Don's daughter's boyfriend texted him and his wife that the Moscow Mule was good there and they should try it. Don texted him back- Tastes like ass. Ahaha.

The W is beautiful and the party was superfun! There was a DJ and a dance floor and a photo booth and an aerialist! We had access to the 2nd floor patio, with the Christmas lights in the trees below. So nice.

At some point I sat down on THE WORLD'S LOWEST COUCH, unexpectedly finding my knees up near my chin, which was special, considering the minimal length of my dress. Spent a few minutes trying to look demure with my pinot grigio. I didn't stay there long and managed to get up, thankfully in one smooth and flawless move.

We stayed overnight and had a river view, which was really cool. Fun party weekend!

Never have I ever...
(bold the ones you've never done)

Never have I ever injured myself while trying to impress a girl or boy I was interested in.
Never have I ever had to run to save my life.
Never have I ever taken food out of a trash can and eaten it.
Never have I ever cried / flirted my way out of a speeding ticket.
Never have I ever taken part in a talent show.
Never have I ever made money by performing on the street.
Never have I ever broken something at a friend’s house and then not told them.
Never have I ever snooped through a friend’s bathroom or bedroom without them knowing.
Never have I ever ruined someone else’s vacation.
Never have I ever walked for more than six hours.
Never have I ever jumped from a roof.
Never have I ever shoplifted.
Never have I ever seen an alligator or crocodile in the wild.
Never have I ever set my or someone else’s hair on fire on purpose.
Never have I ever ridden an animal.
Never have I ever had a bad fall because I was walking and texting.
Never have I ever been arrested.
Never have I ever pressured someone into getting a tattoo or piercing.
Never have I ever gone surfing.
Never have I ever walked out of a movie because it was bad.
Never have I ever broken a bone.
Never have I ever tried to cut my own hair.
Never have I ever completely forgot my lines in a play.
Never have I ever shot a gun.
Never have I ever had a surprise party thrown for me.
Never have I ever cheated on a test.
Never have I ever dined and dashed.
Never have I ever gotten stitches.
Never have I ever fallen in love at first sight.
Never have I ever had a paranormal experience.
Never have I ever woken up and couldn’t move.
Never have I ever accidentally said “I love you” to someone.
Never have I ever hitchhiked.
Never have I ever been trapped in an elevator.
Never have I ever sung karaoke in front of people.
Never have I ever been on TV or the radio.
Never have I ever pressed send and then immediately regretted it.
Never have I ever been so sun burnt I couldn’t wear a shirt.
Never have I ever had a crush on a friend’s parent.
Never have I ever been awake for two days straight.
Never have I ever thrown up on a roller coaster.
Never have I ever snuck into a movie.
Never have I ever accidentally sent someone to the hospital.
Never have I ever dyed my hair a crazy color.
Never have I ever had a physical fight with my best friend.
Never have I ever had someone slap me across the face.
Never have I ever worked with someone I hated with the burning passion of a thousand suns.
Never have I ever danced in an elevator.
Never have I ever cried in public because of a song.
Never have I ever texted for four hours straight.
Never have I ever chipped a tooth.
Never have I ever gone hunting.
Never have I ever had a tree house.
Never have I ever thrown something into a TV or computer screen.
Never have I ever been to a country in Asia.
Never have I ever been screamed at by a customer at my job.
Never have I ever spent a night in the woods with no shelter.
Never have I ever read a whole novel in one day.
Never have I ever gone vegan.
Never have I ever been without heat for a winter or without A/C for a summer.
Never have I ever worn glasses without lenses.
Never have I ever gone scuba diving.
Never have I ever lied about a family member dying as an excuse to get out of doing something.
Never have I ever made a website (Tumblr doesn’t count).
Never have I ever bungee jumped.
Never have I ever been to a country in Africa.
Never have I ever been on a fad diet.
Never have I ever been to a fashion show.
Never have I ever been electrocuted.
Never have I ever stolen something from a restaurant.
Never have I ever had a bad allergic reaction.
Never have I ever been in an embarrassing video that was uploaded to YouTube.
Never have I ever thought I was going to drown.
Never have I ever worked at a fast food restaurant.
Never have I ever fainted.
Never have I ever looked through someone else’s phone without their permission.


Happy Saturday Morning!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

I am laughing at this commercial for Married By Mom and Dad, another "arranged marriage" reality show coming on some cable channel. A couple is sitting with their adult daughter, for whom they are choosing a mate. The dad says to the camera, "I have sex almost every night," whereby the daughter promptly disappears under the table and the mom laughs and says, "That's not true."

So cute.

Had lunch with the mommies this week! They look so happy and their babies are the cutest. Jen wishes she could be a stay-at-home mom, but Mel is "bored." Reminded me of when I told my boss that I would be leaving to stay at home with my baby. She was very supportive but also said she would go crazy being at home with her toddler. We're all so different and everyone should do what works for their own family. Mel will be back in two weeks, to take back the study I'm running for her while she's out. YES!! The countdown has begun.

Saturday 9: Boulevard of Broken Dreams (2004)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) The "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" video begins with the gentlemen of Green Day dealing with car trouble. If your car overheated, what's the first thing you would do to remedy the situation?
Call roadside assistance

2) Thinking of cars, lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong has had his share of trouble behind the wheel and was busted for driving well beyond the speed limit. Was your last ticket for parking, or was it a moving violation?
It was about 15 years ago, a parking ticket at Office Max.

3) Billie Joe says "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" was inspired by the Edward Hopper painting, "Nighthawks." Tell us about a piece of artwork that you enjoy. (Yes, the macaroni picture frame created for you by your nephew counts.)
We have a very cool, modern metal piece of art by Benini, which I love because it has such a great story and because we met and chatted with him and his wife Lorraine a few times at his studio in Johnson City. We've also taken some beautiful Hill Country photos from their (former) backyard atop Rattlesnake Mountain. The story? He accidentally mowed over some metal on his property. He picked up the bent and broken pieces, realized he could make beautiful sculptures out of them, and mowed over more of the metal. It reminds me of the Hill Country and also is such a cool transformation of "trash" into something pretty.

4) Let's go back to childhood. Was the home where you grew up located on a boulevard, an avenue, a street, a lane or a road?
As a kid, I lived on Bluff Road, Ryewater Drive, and Creek Bend Drive.

5) This song won Green Day a Grammy for Record of the Year. What positive feedback have you received recently? 
Our study team received a giant gift basket from the sponsor for a job well done at the meeting we had in Dallas a few weeks ago.

6) Green Day uses their Facebook page to let more than 32 millions know what the group is doing. What's the last thing you posted to social media?
I told everyone how Michael reprogrammed all of my review listings at work to highlight changed data in burnt orange. Gotta tip my hat to him on that one. That said, I'll be planning a response...

7) In 2004, when this song was popular, Ken Jennings had a still unbeaten string of 74 wins on Jeopardy! What game show do you think you'd do well on?
Wheel of Fortune

8) Also in 2004, Lance Armstrong was in the midst of his own Tour de France winning streak. Now we know he cheated. Tell us about a time you broke the rules.
I wore white shoes after Labor Day this year.

9) 2004 is when Morgan Spurlock released Super Size Me, his documentary about eating nothing but McDonald's for a month. What's the last fast food restaurant you visited?


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