Christmas Party

Sunday, December 6, 2015

I've begun weekly quotes from 500 Days of Summer in the ol' sidebar >>>. Why never before?! SO great.

Last night was Jeff's company's Christmas party at the W. In the bar before we all got ready, Don's daughter's boyfriend texted him and his wife that the Moscow Mule was good there and they should try it. Don texted him back- Tastes like ass. Ahaha.

The W is beautiful and the party was superfun! There was a DJ and a dance floor and a photo booth and an aerialist! We had access to the 2nd floor patio, with the Christmas lights in the trees below. So nice.

At some point I sat down on THE WORLD'S LOWEST COUCH, unexpectedly finding my knees up near my chin, which was special, considering the minimal length of my dress. Spent a few minutes trying to look demure with my pinot grigio. I didn't stay there long and managed to get up, thankfully in one smooth and flawless move.

We stayed overnight and had a river view, which was really cool. Fun party weekend!

Never have I ever...
(bold the ones you've never done)

Never have I ever injured myself while trying to impress a girl or boy I was interested in.
Never have I ever had to run to save my life.
Never have I ever taken food out of a trash can and eaten it.
Never have I ever cried / flirted my way out of a speeding ticket.
Never have I ever taken part in a talent show.
Never have I ever made money by performing on the street.
Never have I ever broken something at a friend’s house and then not told them.
Never have I ever snooped through a friend’s bathroom or bedroom without them knowing.
Never have I ever ruined someone else’s vacation.
Never have I ever walked for more than six hours.
Never have I ever jumped from a roof.
Never have I ever shoplifted.
Never have I ever seen an alligator or crocodile in the wild.
Never have I ever set my or someone else’s hair on fire on purpose.
Never have I ever ridden an animal.
Never have I ever had a bad fall because I was walking and texting.
Never have I ever been arrested.
Never have I ever pressured someone into getting a tattoo or piercing.
Never have I ever gone surfing.
Never have I ever walked out of a movie because it was bad.
Never have I ever broken a bone.
Never have I ever tried to cut my own hair.
Never have I ever completely forgot my lines in a play.
Never have I ever shot a gun.
Never have I ever had a surprise party thrown for me.
Never have I ever cheated on a test.
Never have I ever dined and dashed.
Never have I ever gotten stitches.
Never have I ever fallen in love at first sight.
Never have I ever had a paranormal experience.
Never have I ever woken up and couldn’t move.
Never have I ever accidentally said “I love you” to someone.
Never have I ever hitchhiked.
Never have I ever been trapped in an elevator.
Never have I ever sung karaoke in front of people.
Never have I ever been on TV or the radio.
Never have I ever pressed send and then immediately regretted it.
Never have I ever been so sun burnt I couldn’t wear a shirt.
Never have I ever had a crush on a friend’s parent.
Never have I ever been awake for two days straight.
Never have I ever thrown up on a roller coaster.
Never have I ever snuck into a movie.
Never have I ever accidentally sent someone to the hospital.
Never have I ever dyed my hair a crazy color.
Never have I ever had a physical fight with my best friend.
Never have I ever had someone slap me across the face.
Never have I ever worked with someone I hated with the burning passion of a thousand suns.
Never have I ever danced in an elevator.
Never have I ever cried in public because of a song.
Never have I ever texted for four hours straight.
Never have I ever chipped a tooth.
Never have I ever gone hunting.
Never have I ever had a tree house.
Never have I ever thrown something into a TV or computer screen.
Never have I ever been to a country in Asia.
Never have I ever been screamed at by a customer at my job.
Never have I ever spent a night in the woods with no shelter.
Never have I ever read a whole novel in one day.
Never have I ever gone vegan.
Never have I ever been without heat for a winter or without A/C for a summer.
Never have I ever worn glasses without lenses.
Never have I ever gone scuba diving.
Never have I ever lied about a family member dying as an excuse to get out of doing something.
Never have I ever made a website (Tumblr doesn’t count).
Never have I ever bungee jumped.
Never have I ever been to a country in Africa.
Never have I ever been on a fad diet.
Never have I ever been to a fashion show.
Never have I ever been electrocuted.
Never have I ever stolen something from a restaurant.
Never have I ever had a bad allergic reaction.
Never have I ever been in an embarrassing video that was uploaded to YouTube.
Never have I ever thought I was going to drown.
Never have I ever worked at a fast food restaurant.
Never have I ever fainted.
Never have I ever looked through someone else’s phone without their permission.


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