Rolo Tales

Sunday, December 20, 2015

We had our company Christmas potluck this week. I was going to make those Rolo pretzel turtle candies, but when I went to the grocery store to buy the pretzels, Rolos and pecans, those three very specific items were conspicuously GONE from their respective shelf spaces. This told me that tons of people are making these this year and I worried that someone may bring them to the party, so I bought cheddar popcorn to bring instead.

I showed up to work that morning and told KathyG (my office mate) the story of why I hadn't brought the pretzel turtles. She turned and picked up her dish and showed me a full plate of them. HA! Plus, she's been a professional baker for years and decorated hers with red and green icing, so mine would have paled in comparison. Whew! SO glad I didn't make them. 

Sunday Stealing: Why Do You Want To Know That Meme

1. List 5 things you want to do before the year ends. 
box and store all of Lauren's storage items, take some much-needed time away from work (two weeks!), get together with Laura, buy more Neutrogena Rainbath shower gel (I've now tried regular soap and another shower gel and I simply must have it), see a movie

2. What color are your pants? 
I'm not wearing pants.

3. Favorite motivational quote. 
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. -Albert Einstein

4. When was the last time you drank coffee? 
yesterday- Dunkin Decaf from the Keurig

5. What was the last thing you ate? 
cheddar chicken patty, edamame and stuffing/gravy

6. Favorite animal. 

7. Favorite song. 
"Hello" Adele

8. Last movie you watched? 
This is 40

9. Any turn ons?

10. Any turn offs? 

11. List 4 big words off of the top of your head. 
flibbertigibbet, preponderance, supraclavicular, idiosyncrasy

12. What are some meaningful movies? 
Little Miss Sunshine, Love, ActuallySteel Magnolias, Terms of Endearment

13. 2 most important people in your life right now? 
Jeff and Lauren

14. What are 3 things you want for Christmas? 
I only specifically want a new rice steamer

15. When was the last time you read a good book? 
a long time ago

16. What was the last thing you studied?
clinical database software administration

17. Do you have any nicknames? 
not that anyone calls me on a regular basis

18. Favorite kind of perfume? (fruity, alluring, etc.) 
alluring and understated

19. Do you have any international friends / friends who live out of state?
lots of friends out of state, my friend Sue Ellen lives in Sydney, Eva lives in Brussels, Stephen's wife is Australian and they live there, Bob and his English wife live in England

20. What is something unique that you do every single day?
I do nothing unique every single day.

21. If there was a movie based on your life, what would it be called? 
That's What She Said

22. When was the last time you bought a gift for someone? 
I think the last gift I bought was for Lauren on Monday.

23. Are you a shopaholic? 
No, but I do enjoy shopping!

24. What are some songs that always make you feel better? 
"Accidentally In Love" Counting Crows, "Drive By" Train, "You and I" Lady Gaga

25. List 3 activities that you can only enjoy by yourself. 
shopping for clothing (I like time to peruse every little item), creative writing, music through great headphones

26. If you could live in any biome* (and survive) which biome would you live in? (*a large naturally occurring community of flora and fauna occupying a major habitat, e.g., forest or tundra.)
I'm going to say forest, because I would burn with a lot of sun exposure in the other biomes.

27. How do you like being roused in the morning? 
with a very quiet and gentle chiming alarm sound

28. How was your day? What did you do? 
Jeff and I went to lunch at Panera and then ventured to Walmart (omg) to get a few things. At Walmart, we found Guitar Hero Live, which I have been wanting. We bought it and played it all afternoon. SUPERfun. Very realistic.

29. What did your last text message say? 
"Ahaha. It's so hideous, on top of looking anatomical." to Lauren, about the 'vagina sofa' shown on an episode of Ellen this week.

30. Do you respond to texts quickly? 
I always respond to texts as soon as I see them, if I am able to. I don't carry my phone with me all the time, so it is not always an immediate response.

31. Who was the last person you called? 

32. List 5 things that are on your wish list. 
just the rice steamer!

33. If you were famous, what do you think you would be famous for? 
coming up with some sort of efficiency in an industry process

34. Winter or summer? 

35. What is a quality that all people should have?

36. If you could have a large collection of one item, what would that item be? 
gold bars

37. What have you been thinking about lately? 
my vacation, which starts Tuesday

38. What is the secret to a happy life? 
having a purpose that you value

39. What are some phrases you say often? 
"Why on earth would you..."

40. Favorite food? 

41. What is your wish for the world?
peace and tolerance

42. What are some of your greatest fears? 
earthquakes, scorpions, food-borne illnesses

43. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? 
documents from my cardiologist's office

44. Most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen (in real life)? 
the view from the top of Mount Jenner in Bavaria

45. Spicy food: Like or dislike? 

46. Scary movies: Like or dislike? 

47. Do you like to travel?


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