Friday Five 'n Stuff... on Monday

Monday, May 8, 2017

Thank heavens the Senate is "starting from scratch" on the healthcare bill, after the House passed a completely ridiculous version that puts the financial burden of healthcare and health insurance directly on the backs of sick people. Those representatives who voted it through may not have to worry about being diagnosed with anything themselves with their special insurance, but their extended families and all other voting Americans do. Maybe we'll get a little common sense in it next time around.

Here's something from Facebook today:

OHMIGAWD, literally???!  Well, I won't be adding those to my grocery list.

In other dessert news, Blue Bell released Bride's Cake (almond ice cream with white cake pieces surrounded by a rich amaretto cream cheese icing swirl) and Groom's Cake (chocolate ice cream with chocolate cake pieces and chocolate-coated strawberry hearts, surrounded by swirls of strawberry sauce and chocolate icing) flavors today. I give both of them two thumbs up. Haven't tried them yet, but the descriptions are good enough for me.

Friday 5 for May 5: Over/Under

1. What’s a film you consider overrated, and what’s a related or similar film you consider underrated?
Overrated- The Sound of Music. I know. Sorry. It just isn't my favorite.
Underrated- Moulin RougeIt's visually beauuuutiful. Awesome music and vocals. Tragic romance. Funny here and there. John Leguizamo playing Toulouse-Lautrec. What more could you want?

2. What’s overrated about the area in which you live, and what’s underrated about it?
Overrated- Keep Austin Weird. This big city ain't the quirky town it used to be.
Underrated- Location, location, location. In 5 minutes to an hour, you can be downtown, deep in the gorgeous hill country, in the metropolis of San Antonio, on a lake, in the prairie, on a vineyard, just about any landscape or environment you can imagine.

3. Whose talent or skill is overrated, and whose is underrated?
Overrated- Tom Cruise. He always plays "that guy" with "that attitude." Not a lot of variation there.
Underrated- William Fichtner. He has been in a lot of movies and TV shows, currently on the sitcom Mom, playing Bonnie's boyfriend. I originally saw him on Grace Under Fire (gosh, what a funny show that was! remember?). He was in The Perfect Storm and Entourage and tons of other things.

4. What item in the supermarket is overrated, and what’s underrated?
Overrated- Rotisserie chicken. It used to be a great deal for your casseroles/salads/etc., but now it's $6.99, which is ridiculous. They've also shrunk quite a bit in the last couple of years. If you're going to get one, buy it at Sam's, where it's $4.99 and HUGE.
Underrated- Ground chicken. Anything you make with chicken breasts, you can make with ground chicken, only better, because the ingredients and seasoning can be mixed throughout the meat. Then you don't have an issue with a great flavor on the outside, but a bland interior.

5. What’s utterly terrific except for one or two things?
Cruises are utterly terrific! Except for muster drill.


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