La Grange Road Trip

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

We took a trip out to the Monument Hill and Kreische Brewery historical sites in La Grange this weekend. The view from Monument Hill is GORGEOUS-  straight down to the big ol' Colorado River and overlooking the town of La Grange. Just wow!

There is a tall, pretty monument and a tomb containing the remains of Texian militia killed in Dawson's Massacre and The Black Bean Death Lottery there on the hill.

Near the memorial is the Kreische home, built in the mid-1800's, which has tours, which I didn't know and really wish I had been able to do!! GAH. Anyhoo... Around the bend from the house is a ravine, where the ruins of Texas' first commercial brewery, the Kreische Brewery, are found. You can tour that as well, but we just observed it from the overlook.

All very interesting and a must-see if you're traveling between San Antonio, Houston and/or Austin. They have a Trail of Lights there in December, which sounds like a neat event.

We also met a little friend!

We stopped at the Berdoll pecan store on Hwy 71 on the way home, which we've never done in all our travels through that piece of road. Got some sausage and a famous Berdoll Pecan Pie, well, actually chocolate pecan, because... chocolate. It is almost ALL pecan (and chocolate) pieces, with very minimal "goo," for those of us who don't enjoy pecan pie goo. There's barely enough goo to hold the nuts together, which is perfect!


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