iPod Touch and stuff
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
The iPod is way cool. Basically an iPhone without the phone.
Commercial on the radio today: "Wouldn't it be great if you no longer had to shave your rocks?" Actually she said, "...had to shave or wax?" but I didn't hear that at all.
I've been checked out by all my doctors, had lab work out the wazoo, some of it twice. I'm in perfect health. Thank you very much. Surgery on Thursday!
DD is first chair in band again.
I like Rascal Flatts a lot, but I'm not getting into the new album.
DH is back from a long trip to Nevada, where he went to a national rocket launch and became a master rocketeer with his latest certification.
Last weekend at the high school football game, some high school guy surrounded by a big group of his friends was trying to pick a fight with someone, and Kim (another band mom) went right over and told him to stop. When he didn't, she got the policeman and the guy was escorted out of the stadium. Go Kim!! I was just standing there waiting to duck and cover.
Tomorrow I'm going to clean my house from top to bottom, and give myself a pedicure, since I won't be able to do either for a while.
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