Saturday Six
Sunday, October 28, 2007
This week you’ll have to choose the greater of two “evils” and explain why you chose that particular one. You might not see both options as an evil; or you might find it impossible to pick one as being significantly worse than the other.
But you should pick which you would find the most offensive, even if you agree with one’s right to take the action, label or position listed.
1. Which of the following two would you find more offensive if you saw it out in the open in a family restaurant: two men holding hands or a woman breast-feeding a child? Why?
A woman breast-feeding a child, if her girl-parts are hanging out all over. Breast-feed away, but let's not make it dinner and a show.
2. Which of the following would you find more offensive if you heard someone say it: a blond joke or a racial joke? Why?
A racial joke, but only because we've all been trained to be outraged at racial jokes. A blond joke is really no different, but I can't muster a lot of disgust with someone telling one.
3. Which of these would you generally consider more offensive: An atheist who badmouths Christians, or a Christian who badmouths atheists? Why?
A Christian who badmouths atheists, because Christians believe they aren't supposed to be judging others.
4. Which of the following ideas about a presidential hopeful would you find more offensive: that a woman shouldn’t run for president because a woman doesn’t belong in the White House, or that a black man shouldn’t run for president because a black man doesn’t belong in the White House? Why?
A black man, because I would expect that people have moved on from racial prejudices by now more than I expect that they have moved on from sexism.
5. Which of the following political terms or movements would you find the most offensive: “Pro-Life” or “Defense of Marriage”? Why?
"Pro-Life," because this insinuates that there are people who are "Anti-Life" running around killing babies. I have a feeling that the vast majority of people who have had an abortion went through great personal turmoil making that decision.
6. Which of the following forms of protest are you likely to find most offensive: an animal rights group’s members shedding clothes to encourage people not to buy fur, or a war protest group’s members burning the American flag to criticize war policy? Why?
Burning the American flag is never okay IMO. The flag does not represent the yahoos in Washington. It represents us all as a country of people.
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