Mom and Dad Suck the Fun Out of Spring Break

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

There is a daily news program specifically for schools that is shown in middle and high school classrooms across the country each day. Yesterday, they did a feature on Spring Break in CancĂșn. I completely agree with the point of the story, with vacationing students saying not going to CancĂșn would be like not going to California if there were violence in the streets in Virginia. They're absolutely right.

What I didn't like was 18-year-olds giggling that their parents had discouraged them from going to Mexico because of safety concerns, but they blew them off as being overprotective and went anyway. That's not a message I think a school news program should be putting out to kids. They could have done the same story about fun, beautiful and safe places to visit in Mexico, while omitting the suggestion that "your parents are paranoid and clueless and you should do as you please."

Yikes- I sound like a mom!

Monday Mayhem

1. Are you concerned at all with the possibility that radiation leaks could head your way?
No. We're waaaaaaaaaaaay too far away for any significant exposure. (Unless things go completely batsh*t, Tokyo is most likely too far away for any significant exposure.)

2. What is the one thing that you will always go cheap on?
Gasoline- I won't ever buy anything but regular, and at the cheapest recognizable name gas station I can find.

3. What would you buy that price would have no limit?
Any medical thing my child would need to survive an illness or injury. Or Clooney's half-eaten French toast.

4. Name a TV show that could be about the stupidest thing ever.
Hogs Gone Wild. Oh wait. That is a show about the stupidest thing ever.

5. What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?
Alligator. Wimpy, I know. Escargot? I really need to get out more.

6. If it were really hot out and you were at the beach, would you go in the water even if it was dirty or full of jellyfish?
I would never go into dirty ocean. I've been in jellyfish-infested ocean... by accident. If I knew they were there before I got in, then no.

7. Can you teach old dogs new tricks or is it just not worth the effort?
New tricks- always good. Or improvements to old tricks. Heh. Definitely worth the effort.

8. What makes comfort foods taste so good?
almost always a stick of butter

9. How do you like your steak cooked?
medium rare

10. Have you ever stepped on something and had it stuck in your foot?
I got a little piece of glass in my shoe while we were tubing in New Braunfels many years ago. When I got out of the water, it went into my foot and wouldn't come out and got infected and stuff. SO. Gross.

11. We're looking for viral video theme ideas. What's your best idea for a viral video day?
Post the best viral video with an amateur singer or band doing a song cover as good as or better than the original song.

12. What is your twitter handle? Can we follow you?
My Twitter name is my fake rock-chick name, which cannot be revealed in this forum. I hardly ever tweet anyway. I'm only over there to follow people who aren't on Facebook.


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