Happy Easter

Sunday, April 24, 2011

May you all have a beautiful day! We're having Easter dinner with friends this evening.

Don't go too crazy with the alcohol, coffee and/or cursing you gave up for Lent. Moderation is key.

Patrick's Saturday Six

1. Do you still have your tonsils? If not, how old were you when they were removed?
No- I was 4 and remember the experience vividly.

2. Do you still have your appendix? If not, how old were you when it was removed?
I still have it.

3. Do you still have your wisdom teeth? If not, how old were you when they were removed?
I have 3 of 4. When I was 35, I had the one removed, because it would swell up and hurt fairly often.

4. What’s the worst injury you remember receiving, and how old were you when it happened?
My worst injury was stepping on a nail that was sticking up through a piece of construction wood I was playing on, when I was 6. It went through my shoe and almost all the way through my foot.

5. Have you ever had to have surgery for any reason? Was the recovery worse than you expected, better or just as you expected?
A few surgeries. Recoveries were as expected for the most part. I was the star c-section patient at the hospital when I had Lauren. That was an unusually fast recovery, thank goodness. On the other end of the spectrum, I had an elective hysterectomy a few years ago (because I had the worst periods on earth my whole life- sorry TMI) and that recovery was awful. I ended up with a misdiagnosed UTI for four weeks and also had to have several minor procedures and eventually a second surgery several months later, to close up a tiny part of my incision that would never heal.

6. If technology progressed to the point that you could literally change any one thing about yourself and money weren’t an object, what change would you make?
I would have them zap my brain to make me more patient with idiots. Errrr... I mean, the common-sense-challenged.


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