Hello World
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Friday I got an mail from "Old STNY," which I figured was spam from some pothead flower child, which was doubly weird because Yahoo is da bomb at screening spam. Turns out it was Dad. He calls that account Old STNY because it's his old addy from stny.rr.com, where the STNY refers to Southern Tier New York. He's gone gmail now. He's more with the times than I. He has a droid phone as well. No, I won't whine about my phone. Today. :)
Ever notice that men on Facebook have profile photos with their wives far more often than women include their husbands in theirs? And... if women include anyone else in their profile photo (they usually do not)... who is it typically? Their kids. Occasionally, hubby is in there with the family as well. I find this sort of thing fascinating.
Got a slew of birthday messages on Facebook this weekend. They group them together in the notifications as "So-and-so and # other friends posted on your wall." Oddly, a few were pulled out and mentioned in their own special notifications, like "Mary Smith posted on your wall." I finally figured out what is different. Anyone who posts from a smartphone app is seen as an individual notification in the list. Isn't that special.
Nope. Not whining about my phone. Just saying. *bats eyelashes*
We watched Easy A yesterday. Oh my gosh- it is REALLY funny! Who knew?! I didn't even want to see it. She wears an A on her shirts, well... bustiers, while what she did has absolutely nothing to do with adultery. The only similarity between her and Hester Prynne is that they are publicly ostracized for sexual misbehavior, so it's a real stretch to make the entire movie a reference to The Scarlet Letter, but it was so entertaining that I will forgive them even that. And Stanley Tucci is in it, which is always a great thing. Definitely rent it!
Rosemary: I had a similar situation when I was your age. I had a horrible reputation.
Olive: Why?
Rosemary: Because I slept with a whole bunch of people... Mostly guys.
Olive: Mom!
Principal Gibbons: This is public school. If I can keep the girls off the pole and the boys off the pipe, I get a bonus.
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