The Surly Rain Frog

Monday, April 18, 2011

I saw this little guy on a Discovery Channel show yesterday. He looks rather irritated, but he's so cute!

He's very small, with tiny legs so he cannot hop. He just crawls.

Sunday Stealing: The 65 Questions Meme

1. Tell us who the last person was that you took a shower with.
Lauren is going to come in here and toss her cookies if I answer this with anything other than "never did it"

2. Tell us about your favorite tee-shirt. Extra points if you show a pic. (We know. What can you do with freakin' extra points?)
My newest A&M tshirt. It's a maroon ladies' tshirt and says Texas A&M University on it in white on the front. I got it at the campus bookstore.

3. Has anyone ever hit on you even though they knew you were taken?
Of course. It's my luck that they hit on me then and not when I was single. ;)

4. Do you plan what to wear the next day?
Not usually

5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? Why?
I'm feeling overwhelmed because of many things that are going on right now.

6. What's the closest thing to you that's black?
The desk chair I'm sitting in

7. Tell me about an interesting dream you remember having.
I can't discuss my interesting dreams here and maintain my PG-13 rating.

8. Did you or might you meet anybody new today?
I meet someone new pretty much every day at work!

9. If you could be doing anything right now (or perhaps after you finish this ridiculous meme) what would it be?

10. Can you think of a meme question that's never been asked?
"Where was your Facebook picture taken?"

11. What comes to mind when I say China?
that's what Laura's daughter called her girl parts when she was a toddler

12. Are you overly emotional?
You say it like it's a bad thing. :)


13. If you could listen to just one rock album (CD, vinyl or mp3) which one would you pick?
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band The Beatles

14. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?
I think I just lick it. I haven't had an ice cream cone in forever.

15. Do you like your car?

16. Do you like yourself?

17. Would you go out to eat with Charlie Sheen?
Definitely. Would love to see the train wreck up close.

18. What was the last song that you listened to?
Kate Voegele "Forever and Almost Always"

19. Are (or were) your parents strict?

20. Have you ever wondered what attending a wild orgy (if only to watch or...) would be like?
Yes, but only to watch. It would never be worth whatever STD you'd end up with to participate.

21. I say cottage cheese. You say:

22. Have you ever met a celebrity?
Several. I used to collect autographs (mostly from musicians) when I was a teenager, but I don't have any of them anymore. I'm pretty sure I just threw them away one day. Don't do that, kids.

23. What was the last movie that you watched at home?
Easy A

24. Is there anything sparkly in the room you're in?
sparkly yellow note clips, a couple of Lauren's cheer trophies

25. What countries have you visited?
England, Germany, Jamaica, Canada, Mexico, Bahamas, Haiti

26. Have you ever made a phone call while you were drunk that you've regretted? If yes, do tell.
Nope. But I received one call like that, in college. He rambled on for quite some time. I was very nice! I never hassled him about it or anything.

27. Where were you going the last time that you were on a train?
from Austin to Burnet, TX on the Hill Country Flyer

28. Bacon or sausage?

29. How long have you had a cell-phone?
Not as long as most people. Jeff had one for a few years before I ever wanted one.

30. What other memes do you do regularly?
Saturday 9, Patrick's Saturday Six & Sunday Seven

31. Who is the craziest meme host?
Is this a trick question? Judd Corizan

32. Who invented chop sticks?
the Chinese - thank you Google

33. Who are you going to be with tonight?
Jeff and Lauren- car shopping day 2

34. Are you too forgiving?
Probably, but I'd rather forgive someone than have a grudge eating at me forever.

35. When was the last time that you were in love?
right now :)

36. Tell us about your best friend.
my best friends are funny, smart and independent women

37. What was the stupidest thing you learned in high school?
I used to say anything to do with history, but over time I have acquired an appreciation for it, so I'll go with anything from Trigonometry.

38. What was the last thing that you cried about?
feeling powerless

39. What was the last question you asked?
What would you like for lunch?

40. Favorite thing to do this time of the year?
hike while it's cool-ish

41. If you had to get a (or another) tattoo, what would it be?
if I was forced to get a tattoo, I would get something tiny, like a heart

42. How would your best friend describe you?
fun, always wanting to be doing something or going somewhere, sentimental

43. Have you ever seen all three Twilight films?
I have seen one

44. Ever walked into a glass door?
no. Jeff ran into one and cut up his arm when he was in high school though.

45. Favorite color on that person that you are attracted to?
navy blue

46. Have you ever slapped someone?
heavens no

47. What hair style (for you) would you like to see return?
bilevel- yeah baby!

48. What was the last CD you bought?
the last entire album I purchased was Daughtry's Leave This Town

49. Do looks matter to you?
For someone I'm interested in romantically? To some extent, yes. I'm more aware if a guy has his appearance "together" rather than his rating from 1-10.

50. Could you ever forgive a liar?
Depends on why they were lying. I would never forget a person lied to me, but I would usually forgive them for it.

51. What's the hardest bill to pay every month?
the lawn care people- not mowing and trimming, but the kind who put on fertilizer and weed stuff. Biggest waste of money ever.

52. Do you like your life right now?
I am not in a really good place at the moment, I have to say. But this too shall pass.

53. Do you sleep with the TV on?
I can't sleep with it on, although when Jeff is out of town (very rarely thank goodness) I tend to fall asleep with it on for noise, and then I wake up a few times before I finally turn it off.

54. Can you handle the truth?

55. Do you have good vision?

56. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people?
not more than 3 that I think about on any sort of regular basis

57. How often do you talk on the phone?
not often, but usually for at least an hour at a shot

58. What celeb would you like to come home to?
Heh. I'm gonna throw you all for a loop and say Bradley Cooper.

59. What are you wearing?
white shorts and a blue/pink/yellow flowery blouse

60. What is your favorite wild animal?
today it's the rain frog

61. Where was your facebook picture taken?
Oh suuuuure. Take my unasked meme question.
Waxy O'Connor's Irish Pub on the Riverwalk in San Antonio

62. Can you waltz?

63. Do you have a job?
I am a library goddess

64. What was the most recent thing you stole?
First and last thing was a 2-cent bubble gum when I was 8, on a dare.

65. Have you ever crawled through a window?
surely I have, but not that I remember


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