Ass Crown
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Scott swallowed a crown while eating an apple a few weeks ago. He got a temporary crown and then, when he finally... um... "found" the original, he brought it to his dentist to see if he could put it back in.
Scott: He looked at me and was like, 'I am NOT putting an ass crown back in your mouth.'
Julie: Did he actually say 'ass crown?'
Scott: Noooooo....
The rest of the night the ass crown jokes continued. It was HILARIOUS. I'm supposed to be setting up the official ass crown website right now, actually. Git yer ass crown merch here! Ha!
Sunday Stealing: Easy A-Z Meme
A. What are your favorite smells? bacon, rain, fresh-cut grass
B. Can you go a whole day without caffeine? I don't usually consume any caffeine in a day.
C. Who knows more about you than anyone else? Hmm. Probably CathyJ.
D. What song did you last listen to? Meghan Trainor "Dear Future Husband"
E. Do you wear socks to bed? Never. Too hot!
F. Can you change a car tire? If I had to, yes.
G. If you could choose one color to wear for a whole year, what color would you choose? blue
H. Do you cook often? Far more often than I'd like.
I. What’s your least favorite season? spring
J. Can you sew? No
K. What is your favorite fruit? lately, pomegranate
L. Are you health conscious? Not particularly. I try to eat a variety of foods and make good choices when possible.
M. Do you think you’re very conscious of the feelings of others or more self oriented? I'm very conscious of the feelings of others.
N. Do you curse a lot? Yep, because the people at work curse a lot. I should stop, really.
O. Do you remember lyrics easily? Yes!
P. Can you roll your tongue? Yep
Q. Is there a certain food you often crave for no reason? I often crave Salt Lick, but for good reason.
R. What was the last book you purchased? iPhone: The Missing Manual for both Laura and Jeff for Christmas
S. Where was your last vacation? San Francisco last summer
T. Last movie you watched? Did you enjoy it? We watched Men, Women and Children last night. I thought it was really good, but it's sad.
U. Think of your oldest friend. If you met them now do you think you would still become friends? KristenD was my first best friend in kinder and 1st grade in Kansas City, before we moved away to Houston. She lived in our apartment complex. We would be great friends today! I tried to find her once, but wasn't able to.
V. Paris, London and New York… which one would you live in, which would you visit for a day, which would you visit for a fortnight? Oooh. Let's see... Live in London, visit Paris for a day and visit New York for a fortnight.
W. Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed? Seriously? Closed, of course. I don't want to see that creepy black hole in the darkness.
X. Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how did it happen? I've only broken my pinkie toe, just smashed it into something at home.
Y. How do you like your eggs? poached
Z. What was your last argument about and who with? A passive-aggressive coworker was arguing with my office mate about my project, which they were both helping on. He said that he thought the unit handwritten on a page was qm/dl. She said it was obviously gm/dl. He argued about it for a few minutes and then went away (to talk to our boss, it turns out). He came back about five minutes later to argue some more, when I jumped in. I asked why we were still having this discussion and said it was clearly gm/dl, especially since qm/dl isn't a valid unit for that particular measurement... or any other measurement of which I am aware. Then he argued with me about it. When he eventually said, "It's your project, so I'll do whatever you want to do, but..." I said, "Great! Then it's gm/dl. Let's move on."