Feelin' All Feminist-ish Today

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Just leaving this little Sarah Bird article here, because YES.


Texas lawmakers retracted my award, but I wrote an acceptance speech anyway

Well, wait. I wanted to let Sarah have a virtual "drop the mic" moment on my little blog, but gosh darnit, while we're on the subject... Y'all 'member I was just saying it's legal to have an abortion through 20 weeks gestation in Texas, so our state deems our fetuses human beings at 20 weeks, yet the state wants to require burial of fetal remains for any miscarriage or abortion at any gestational age, in direct conflict with that idea? 

Now we have some additional questionable logic. The fetal remains burial rules also conflict with laws allowing human ashes to be disposed of in landfills. According to the state... 

wait for it... 

the ashes allowed in landfills law "...only applies to human remains, not fetal tissue."

Good grief. Seriously?

Judge asks if Texas fetal remains rules override current law

"So you're bringing dignity to non-human remains?"



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