Harvey n' Stuff

Friday, August 25, 2017

Seeing the Hurricane Harvey coverage and friends' social media posts from the area gives me a stomach ache. It's been forever since I've been in a hurricane, but still it comes right back. Stay safe, coastal friends! And I see alligators are showing up in people's garages now. Creepy!

The news says if you see an alligator in your yard or garage, just stay away from it. I thought I would pass that along for everyone.... in case you didn't know.

A couple of years ago, we were planning a river vacation to Wimberley and during my extended research into accommodations, the town flooded. For the past couple of months, we've been talking about renting a house in Corpus or Galveston in September. Now it's hurricaning there. Gah.

I'm watching a rerun of The Chew with Scarlett Johanssen. I've watched this show for years and so rarely do you see a celebrity guest really cook. They're usually dressed to the nines and very carefully slicing one vegetable while they promote their movie/show/tour. ScarJo is really into the cooking. She is asking all sorts of questions, while she chops and stirs the pan on the stovetop. And she's dressed up, too.

She's also hilarious. "Do Italians leave the shrimp heads on just for the gross factor?" she just asked Batali. Ahaha.

Jeff and I went to Foreigner/Cheap Trick last weekend with his work buddies and their peeps. It was the first time I've sat on the HEB Lawn at the Austin 360 Amphitheater and I have to say, while it's a different vibe than being up close in the front sections I've always sat in, it's super casual and fun. Bring a blanket and/or those beach chairs with the tiny legs (no regular chairs are allowed). Most people took their shoes off and were dancing or lying on their blankets looking at the stars. Superfun!

Saturday 9: I Wish It Would Rain (1968)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's song focuses on rain. Ombrophobia -- the fear of rain -- is fairly common in children. How do you feel about rainy days? 

I love a rainy day, unless it's been raining for days on end.

2) Lead singer David Ruffin always wore corrective lenses. Are you wearing glasses or contact lenses as you answer these questions?

3) Those thick-rimmed glasses were David's trademark. When he custom-ordered a luxury car, he had the image of those glasses painted on the door. Tell us something that makes your vehicle distinctive.
Nothing at all. My A&M Former Students and Apple stickers are sitting on my desk, waiting to be applied to the rear window.

4) David also had a penchant for mink. Rumor has it that he wore a mink-lined hat and even had that car upholstered in mink. If you could really splurge on anything right now, what would it be? Car? Travel? Clothes? Jewelry? (NO responsible answers allowed.)

5) He sings that he badly wants to go outside. What are your plans for today? Will you be outdoors very much? 
I went to the grocery store to get some non-perishables this morning. It is very windy, pre-storm. I'm working a few hours today. I won't be outdoors much.

6) The Temptations originally called themselves The Elgins because in 1960, Elgin watches were the high-end timepiece of choice. Today, in the age of cellphones and FitBits, wristwatches aren't that popular anymore. Do you often wear a watch?
Never. I haven't worn a watch for years.

7) This sad song was inspired by a real-life event. Motown songwriter Rodger Penzabene discovered his wife was cheating on him. Much to his own surprise, he didn't want to divorce or even separate from her; he just wanted her to love him and only him again. Tell us about a time when you didn't react as you thought you would. (Your story doesn't have to be as dramatic as Rodger's.)
When the irrigation guy for our front yard project said he hadn't planned to do something we'd asked him to do, and started arguing with me about it, I stood my ground. I would normally have been exceedingly polite during this type of disagreement, but the issue was so ridiculous and we were already paying a lot and he was actually getting irritated with me, so I was adamant that he carry out what I felt was clearly the only correct plan.

8) In 1968, when this song was popular, a Pittsburgh McDonald's sold the first Big Mac (two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickle and onion on a sesame seed bun). Describe your perfect hamburger.
Tookie's Squealer patty, Whataburger bun, caramelized onions, sautéed mushrooms, blue cheese

9) Random question: When you catch a cold, do you soldier through it? Or are you a big baby?
Soldier through, unless I have the luxury of being able to just stay in bed. Even when I stay in bed, I'm not a big baby about it.


Despacito Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da Despacito

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

So smileys in work emails make you look incompetent and female? What?! I only use smileys in work emails with my true work friends, with whom I socialize, not for most people. I do tend to use a lot of exclamation points and very positive language to make sure people know I'm using a pleasant tone in work emails. Sometimes, I go through and remove some of the exclamation points, because it reads like I'm hopped up on caffeine.

Luis Fonsi was on GMA this morning performing "Despacito." LOVE that song. It's the song of the summer. During the interview afterwards, he said that writing it just came to him like, "Des-pa-cito, da-da-da-da-da-da, despacito, da-da-da-da-da-da-da, Puerto Rico..."

...which is the way most Americans sing it! Ahahaa. Right?!

The Grown Up Survey

1. What bill do you hate paying the most?
Cable/satellite TV. It's too expensive for what it is.

2. Where was the last place you had a romantic dinner?
Trulucks. We had swordfish, which was pretty good. Still no match for the old City Grill on 4th St. :(

3. What do you really want to be?
A songwriter.

4. How many colleges did you attend?

Two- Texas A&M College Station (undergrad and graduate school) and San Jacinto College (summer classes) in Houston.

5. Why did you choose the shirt you have on?
It's pretty and comfortable and it goes with the capris I'm wearing.

6. Thoughts on gas prices?
They are what they are. I rarely know how much gas currently costs. I have to buy it when I need it, so it doesn't really matter.

7. First thought when the alarm goes off in the morning?
I don't use an alarm. My first thought when I wake up is, Has the sun risen yet? If yes, YAY! If no, I have to try and go back to sleep, which I usually can't.

8. Last thought you have before you go to bed?
I'm usually incredibly tired at bedtime, so I'm just thankful it's time to sleep!

9. Do you miss being a kid?
Not really. I would love to have limited responsibilities, but being an adult gives you the freedom to decide what you want to do.

10. What errand/chore do you despise the most?

11. Up early or sleep in?
Up early.

12. Found love?

Yes. I've been married 27 years to my college sweetheart.

13. Favorite lunch meat?
Smoked ham.

14. What do you get at Walmart every time?
Bandaids. They have great prices on them.

15. Beach or lake?
Definitely beach.

16. Is marriage outdated? 
No. It's great to have a life partner!

17. What famous person would you like to have dinner with?

Alton Brown. He could give me cooking tips!

18. Ever crashed your vehicle?

No. A deer crashed into me when I was in college, but that's it.

20. Strangest place you’ve brushed your teeth?

Hmm. I don't think I've brushed my teeth anywhere but a bathroom.

21. Somewhere you’ve never been but want to go?

22. At this point in your life would you want to start a new career or relationship?
I might be convinced to start a new career at some point, but no thanks to the new relationship.

23. How old are you?

24. Do you have a go to person?
Other than Jeff, it depends on the situation. I am lucky to have a few.

25. Are you where you want to be in life?

Thankfully, I love my work situation, and that I am able to be at home, and that we have the means to do most of the things we want to do.

26. Growing up what were your favorite cartoons?

Bugs Bunny and Wile E. Coyote/Road Runner

27. What about you do you think has changed since you were a young kid? 
Not a lot!
28. Looking back at high school were they the best years of your life?
They were not "the" best, but definitely some of the best!

29. Are there times you still feel like a kid?

When I am with my childhood friends, and we're laughing together.

30. Did you have a pager?

31. Was there a hangout spot when you were a teenager?

Baybrook Mall in Houston, particularly the record store or the food court. Fast Times teen dance club in Pasadena.

32. Were you the type of kid you’d want your children to hang out with?
Yep. I was a good kid, a rules follower. I got into a little trouble here and there, but nothing life-altering.

33. Was there a teacher or authority figure that stood out to you?

Mrs. Lofland, my high school Biology teacher. I was one of her aides my senior year. She was awesome!

34. Do you tell stories that start with when I was your age?

Not often. You're welcome, Lauren.

35. Are you religious?
I'm a Christian, but not church-going or heavily into practicing religion. I was raised Catholic and confirmed in the Church. We went to church every Sunday while I was growing up, but we stopped going when we moved when I was in 8th grade. I went to a protestant church in college for a hot minute, but haven't ever been regularly as an adult. I find most churches to be laden with politics and drama and a few too many bad examples of supposedly "religious" folks. 


Rhinestone Bullfrog?

Friday, August 11, 2017

RIP Glen Campbell. One of my memories of him is Lori and I always singing "Like a rhinestone bullfrog..." WTF, right? I cannot find any reference to that online- oh, other than my own blog post 2012 Grammys - so I have no idea where it came from. I still need to ask her. I'm betting she doesn't know either.

Okay. Just posted on her FB. We'll see what she says!

Probably something like, "Step away from the tequila."

I have the BEST gift idea for you all. Get a pen. Or for the technically inclined, your favorite list app. I'll wait...

If you or a friend do not own a windshield shade specifically made for your car make, model and year, you need one. I would never have thought I would say that, but every time I put mine up in the window, I marvel at the ease with which it installs. No falling down rolled up thing slipping around under your visors. Every corner covered perfectly.

I got mine for $60 at my car dealership. It's accordion style hard cardboard covered in reflective material. Very well made. I can't speak for any other brands, but I'd start at the car dealer for your model. There are other custom shades available online of course.

Sunday Stealing

Do You Have Freckles? Lots

Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed?

Can You Whistle? Only inhaling. Not exhaling. Weird, I know.

Did You Wake Up Cranky today? Nah.

Zodiac Sign. Aries

What Is Your Eye Color? Green

Take A Vitamin Daily? No

Do You Sing In The Shower? No, but I sing everywhere else.

What Did You Have For Lunch?
Bagel with lox.

Do You Watch The Olympics? I watch a lot of the winter Olympics and some of the summer Olympics.

Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean? Pool

Bottled Water Or Tap Water? tap

Do You work Better With Or Without Music?
Without. :(

Can You Curl Your Tongue? Yes

Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You? Scissors handle.

Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly? No. I'd be afraid I would squish it.

Are You Easily Influenced By Other People? Ummm... If I trust a particular person's judgement and we are pretty similar people, I can be easily influenced because historically I have agreed with that person on most things. Otherwise, not really. 

Do You Have Strange Dreams? Yes.

Do You Like Going On Airplanes? I don't mind them, but it's not an enjoyable activity to me. Too big a pain in the butt.

Name One Movie That Made You Cry. I cry in most movies at some point. Ha! Most recently War for the Planet of the Apes.

Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds? Peanuts are easier and not spitty when you get rid of the shell.

If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be? Maroon 5

Are You A Picky Eater? No

Are You A Heavy Sleeper? I'm not a light or heavy sleeper. Pretty average.

Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning? Only when it's REALLY close.

Do You Like Your Music Loud? Yes

Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents? Wrap presents!

What’s The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters? Girls Trip

Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight? Oh yeah.

Do You Like Meeting New People? In small doses, definitely! I don't like to do the small talk thing with a bunch of people I'm meeting for the first time.

What Are Three Things You Did Today? went to the grocery store, made arrangements to go into the office next week for a project, washed dishes

What Do You Wear To Bed? a short nightgown

Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More? Jeans. I don't own any sweats.

Name Something That Relaxes You. a hot shower


Slow Motion Fall Into the Bushes

Thursday, August 3, 2017

On E! right now, they're talking about Luann's drunken fall into a bush last week on RHONY. It reminded me of the time KathyL and I were moving a heavy-ish piece of furniture down her front porch stairs and the thing went all wobbly and I toppled into her bushes in very... slow... motion. It was freakin' HILARIOUS! I was all scratched up, but I was laughing so hard that I just stayed there on the ground, just like Luann. So funny!

Saturday 9: Wouldn't It Be Nice? (1966)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In the video for this song, the Beach Boys dive into the pool with all their clothes on. Have you ever ended up in the water while fully clothed? If yes, were you pushed?
I've never been in a pool fully clothed. In the Houston flood when I was growing up, I had to go through flood water in my clothes when we were boated out of the neighborhood to go to the Red Cross shelter.

2) In this song, Mike Love sings he wishes "every kiss could be never ending." Where did you receive your first kiss? Was it wonderful, or awkward?

My first "real" kiss was on my front porch the summer after my freshman year of high school, after a date. It was great! No awkwardness.

3) Brian Wilson was the creative force behind the Beach Boys. It's possible that the group's legendary and unique sound came from a incident of bad parenting. Brian's father hit him so hard with a wooden plank that he is deaf in his right ear. Which of your senses is sharpest -- sight, hearing, smell or taste?
Hmm. Sight.

4) Brian's brother Dennis was the cutest member of the group, and also the only one who could surf. Have you been to the beach yet this summer?
Nope. :(

5) Dennis was also the Beach Boys' most colorful member. In 1968, he struck up an unfortunate and dangerous friendship with Charles Manson. Is there anyone in your life that you worry has bad taste in friends/lovers?
Not really.

6) Lead singer Mike Love is the grumpiest Beach Boy. He refuses to perform if the concert promotional materials refer to the group or their songs as "oldies." Does it bother you to hear the songs, TV shows and movies of your youth described as "classics" or "oldies?"
Things like that don't bother me, because it's eventually going to happen to everyone! Just a part of life. It's something to bond with your same-age friends over.

7) This song has appeared on soundtracks for movies as diverse as Shampoo (1975), The Big Chill (1983), 50 First Dates (2004) and It's Complicated (2009). Do you own any movie soundtracks?
Movies for which I own the complete soundtrack album: 
Across the Universe
City of Angels
Grease 2
Lilo and Stitch
The Little Mermaid
Little Shop of Horrors
Mamma Mia!
Moulin Rouge
The Pirate Movie
Pitch Perfect
Pitch Perfect 2
Purple Rain
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Sweeney Todd

8) In 1966, the year this song was popular, the Miranda Warning became law. Without looking it up, can you recite any of the Miranda Warning?
You have the right to remain silent. If you give up that right, anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you... something something...

Actual warning: “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?


9) Random question: The local college is pleading for models of all ages and sizes to pose for the life drawing class. Would you help the kids by volunteering to pose in the nude?


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