
Sunday, January 17, 2021

 For my 80's pals:

And some vintage Go-Go's for funzies...
Who didn't want to dance like Belinda Carlisle? So cute. And I had those earrings. Well, not THOSE, but you know, ones just like them.
1. Day 1 of serious isolation behavior:
March 13, 2020
2. First trip you had to cancel. We had reservations for first weekend of April in Fredericksburg with my brother- and sister-in-law. :(
3. Other trips canceled: No Christmas in Dallas for the first time in decades.
4. Last trip out of town before isolation. Christmas in Dallas 2019.
5. Farthest from home since isolation. I feel like we drove down to Granzin's in New Braunfels at some point after the lockdown. Because, sausage.
6. Last Meal sitting in a restaurant before Isolation. Oh man, I have no idea. Might have been Mandola's or Pieous.
7. How many books have you read? 0
8. First event you didn’t attend due to virus. O'Henry Pun-Off
9. Date and event of last over 200-person event. Probably a show at Zach Theater or a homes tour.
10. Last live music event. 10,000 Maniacs at the One World Theater in 2018
11. Things you are eating more of since isolation. Popcorn. We bought a small popcorn maker to replace our huge movie theater-style one. MUCH easier to maintain.
12. Things you are eating less of since isolation. Meals out at nice sit-down restaurants. Takeout from most of them is not great, so we get takeout from casual restaurants.
13. What restaurants have you gotten take-out meals from? Mandola's, Chuy's, Kerbey Lane, Salt Lick, The League
14. Have you found yourself bored in isolation? YES
15. Have you gained or lost weight? Gained :(. Still in the same size clothing, just tighter.
16. Do you drink alcohol? yes
17. If so, more or less in isolation? less
18. What entertainments have you explored? mostly streaming TV/movies, puzzles, video games
19. Gotten into anything new? Nah.
20. Have you done crosswords? Board games? Jigsaw puzzles? No, no and yes. LOTS of puzzles. We lost our puzzlebuddies due to the lockdown, so we're a duo most of the time. Lauren joins us now and then.
21. Have you cleaned out some cabinet, drawer, closet, etc. thoroughly? Several! Biggest improvement was cleaning out and reorganizing the junk drawer in the kitchen. Last weekend, we finished paring down and deep cleaning Lauren's living space upstairs, which was quite an accomplishment.
22. Are you spending about the same amount of money? Much less. Reduced dining out, and no weekend road trips. Not spending much on Target runs and that sort of miscellaneous stuff either.
23. Done Zoom, Facetime, etc. meetups? Yep.
24. Had a social occasion with a small group of people you consider safe? The only in-person socializing I've done, other than very short interactions at a distance, is once with KathyL and once with Laura. We hung out outside, socially distanced. Jeff and I had dinner with Jim on the back porch one evening.
25. Did you vote? In Person? On Election Day? I voted early, in person.


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