Layne's, Cane's and Washing Fences

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

 I power-washed part of our fence this weekend.

About three-quarters of the way down the line, our next-door neighbor came over to impart the required teasing of a neighbor washing their fence. At that moment, I thought I was just soaking wet from all the water, when I glanced down to see instead, I was literally covered head-to-toe in black fence dirt, or whatever fence dirt actually is. So gross. 
The next time we meet, no matter what I look like, I will be a thousand times more presentable. So there's that.

I don't know why this is on my mind today, but we have an ongoing discussion in our household about Layne's of College Station (now franchising near you, but not me sadly) vs. Raising Cane's. Other than Layne's obvious College Station superiority and the fact that it was established prior to Raising Cane's, these two restaurants are the same to me. The menus are the same. The fabulous sauce is the "thing" about both restaurants, and it is... the same. If you ask Jeff and Lolo, they insist that Layne's tastes far better.
I looked up the copycat recipes for both sauces and they are slightly different ratios of the six exact same ingredients. Buh-bam!

So, Layne's if you have access to one. Otherwise, Cane's is a virtually identical stand-in.


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