
Friday, September 21, 2007

The AC finally went out! We've been waiting. lol.

It did the same thing the fridge did- completely froze up. The repair guy was here yesterday and had left us instructions to leave the fan running for 24 hours to melt the ice in the unit. Once the ice melted, the thing started cooling the house. Even though the AC was off, the compressor kept running and running (there's a Stephen King novel in there somewhere), and we finally had to turn off the whole system at the unit itself when it got down to 70 degrees inside. BRR!

Now we await the repair man again.

Just a local note: We were led to believe that Pedernales doesn't offer rebates on new ACs, like City of Austin does. Not true! And the repair guy tells us their rebate is actually much easier to get than jumping through the city's hoops.


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