Trivial Pursuit 80s Edition
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Last weekend at Game Night, we played Trivial Pursuit 80s Edition. We all thought this would be the easiest Trivial Pursuit game ever, since that's our decade. By "our decade" we decided we meant that was when we were in high school and college. Then we pondered why "our decade" would be defined that way. We guessed we were most aware of pop culture at that time. Hmm. Maybe.
Eventually we stopped contemplating the meaning of life and played the game. That sucker is HARD. I haven't played Trivial Pursuit in years, but I distinctly remember winning pie pieces now and then. At one point, we had to go to a "two-try per turn" system, where you could pick your second question. Then we went to a two-try per turn with the questioner choosing two questions he/she felt were the easiest. In the end, we were giving hints, too. It was sad. We were even playing in teams.
But the girls won, so RAH!
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