Happy Mothers Day!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mothers Day to all my mommy friends!

I was just telling Jeff that I never remember the date of my mom's death, not even the year. Others seem to know their parents' death dates off the top of their head. I think it was 2006. It was Christmas time. Of course I can look it up in a plethora of places if I want to, but I just don't think that date is one I need to remember. I'll always remember her birthday, and to me, that day and Mothers Day are the special days of the year to really honor her.

So Happy Mothers Day. Mom! You are missed every day. I still tell stories about you all the time. Just this week, my office mate was moved to say, "What a great mom!" when I told her something about you. Through our memories, you continue to inspire others to be the best versions of themselves they can be.

Sunday Stealing: A Movie Meme

1. What is your all-time favorite "costume" movie or period piece?

Moulin Rouge

2. What classic film would you nominate for a remake?
The Breakfast Club- It's SO good, but there is enough distraction from dated music, clothing, etc. that it is probably lost on today's teens. The message is still valuable and updating it would make it relatable.

3. Name your favorite femme fatale. 
Lara Croft, Tomb Raider

4. Name the best movie with the word "heaven" in its title. 
Heaven Can Wait

5. Describe the worst performance by a child actor that you’ve ever seen. 
any performance of Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen

6. Who gets your vote for most tragic movie monster? 
King Kong

7. What is the one Western that you would recommend to anybody? 

8. Who is your ideal movie-viewing partner? 
Someone who is going to be quiet during the movie, not look at me every two seconds to see if I am laughing/crying/etc. and who will want to chat about the movie afterwards.

9. Has a film ever made you want to change your life? If so, what was the film? 
I can think of a lot of films that have moved me to be a better person in some way, but not to "change my life."

10. Think of one performer that you truly love. Now think of one scene/movie/performance of theirs that is too uncomfortable for you to watch. 
George in Batman and Robin.

11. On the flip side, think of one really good scene/performance/movie from a performer that you truly loathe. 
Tom Cruise in Top Gun

12. What movie has the best soundtrack? 
Purple Rain and Moulin Rouge

13. Favorite actor with a mustache?
Tom Selleck

14. Shadowy film noir from the 1940's or splashy colorful musicals from the 1950's? 
Splashy colorful musicals

15. Favorite classic Disney?
The Little Mermaid. Or if we're going really classic- my childhood fave was Cinderella.


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