Meme Me!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Jen went on a rampage about something yesterday afternoon and ended her raging with...

"I need Jesus."

LOL. She is awesome.

Hope everyone is having a happy Saturday!...

Saturday 9: Your Mama Don't Dance (1972)
Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) This song is about how the older generation often doesn't understand what the younger generation is up to. Do you keep up with trends?

I try to. I hear myself sounding like an old person most times when I ask Lauren things like I did this week- "What is 'put people on blast?'"

See, the guy on the Catfish premiere made the horrific mistake of allowing Facebook to automatically upload photos from his phone (don't ever do that) and also to let his Catfish girlfriend have his Facebook login information (don't do that either). A female friend of the guy sent him nude photos (just to critique) (riiiight) and they got uploaded to Facebook. The Catfish logged in and found them and posted them to his wall along with some negative commentary about his friend. She said she just "wanted to put people on blast," which Lauren told me meant that she wanted to publicly shame people, by doing things like posting the photos of the friend to embarrass her.

Or from the Urban Dictionary:
To put somebody's business out or shame them badly in front of a group of three or more people.
"I heard Lamar's ex put him on blast at the mall"

(Evidently blasting requires telling 3 or more people. Good to know.)

2) This song was in the top 10 in 1972, which is also the year HBO was introduced. Do you have any premium cable channels?
Just HBO.

3) Mother Winters taught Sam how to kill the lingering food smells in her microwave (take a bowl of water, add a few drops of vanilla extract, and heat it in the microwave). Do you have any useful household hints to pass along?

This is probably obvious to most everyone, but I had no idea for years... when hand-washing dishes, always use the absolute hottest water available from the tap and wear gloves to protect your hands from the heat. The gunge comes off the dishes so easily, especially compared to the hot-ish water you have to use if you don't wear gloves.

4) The French word for "mother" is "mère." What other French words do you know?
Just the typical ones Americans know:
merci beaucoup
je ne sais quoi
c'est la vie
ménage à trois
voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir

5) Flowers and plants are popular on Mother's Day. How is your yard or garden? Is it green and/or blooming?
My garden is green! All my plants in the front yard beds are perennials that were cut back in the winter, so they are little green baby plants at the moment.

6) Mother's Day is a big holiday for card shops. So are birthdays, weddings, and St. Patrick's Day. Hallmark sells greetings for everything from "Congratulations on Your New Job" to "Happy Retirement." Who received the most recent card you bought?
Judy's son, Jonathan, who is graduating from high school. That kid is the fastest writer of thank you notes EVER.

7) Have you put away your winter clothes yet?
I did, but I had to get my coat out again, because this is Texas and the weather is random. It's going back in the hall closet today.

8) Mother Winters used to scold Sam for leaving her dirty dishes in the sink. Sam admits it: as a grown up, she's still a bit of a slob. Do lean toward "neat" or "messy?"

I lean towards neat, with a fair tolerance of messy.

9) To celebrate Mother's Day, Sam is giving away candy bars. Would you prefer classic milk chocolate, dark chocolate or milk chocolate with almonds?
milk chocolate with almonds


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