Saturday 9

Saturday, July 9, 2016


Spent this whole week putting the kitchen back together after the crew left Tuesday. It's almost done. Just some pending decor items and I'll post some pics!

Saturday 9: Hotel California (1977)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Composer Don Henley says this song is about the "journey from innocence to experience." Where do find yourself on that journey? Are you more innocent, or experienced? 

Definitely experienced.

2) The lyrics refers to the "warm smell of colitas." Do you know what it is that the Eagles noticed in the air?
Hmm. Little Cokes? Heh. I never knew what that line said, but now I do. Thanks, Google.

3) The girl in the song had her head turned by luxury, including jewelry from Tiffany's and Mercedes Benz autos. Do you consider yourself materialistic?

4) This recording has been lauded by music publications for for its long guitar solo. Are you good on the guitar?
Not at all. It hurts my delicate fingers.

5) There's an error in the lyrics and Don Henley can get a bit testy when interviewers bring it to his attention. Here's the lyric: So I called up the captain and said, 'Please bring me your wine.' He said, 'We haven't had that spirit here since 1969.' Do you know what's wrong with it?
Wine isn't a spirit. Yes? Yes! One for two.

6) Known as the Eagles' drummer, Henley now spends less time at his drum kit. Sitting at that angle for an extended period of time hurts his back. Sam believes this proves all those warnings she heard from her parents about good posture are true. Do you pay attention to your posture?
Not enough. I think I spend a lot of time in chairs that are too deep, which makes me tend to slouch, so my feet touch the floor.

7) Joe Walsh is considered the wild man of the Eagles. Think of your circle of friends. Who is the most unpredictable?
Cathy! In the best way.

8) In 1977, Star Wars premiered. How many Star Wars movies have you seen? 
All seven of them.

9) Random question: "Nosocomephobia" is the fear of hospitals. Are you nosocomephobic?


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