
Saturday, July 30, 2016

Jeff and I saw Mary Poppins at Zach last night. I've never seen Mary Poppins as a stage show before, but this was one of the best shows I've EVER seen, here or anywhere. It is chock-full of amazing singers and dancers, and an exceptionally uplifting performance- colorful, audience participatory, just a joyful experience, leaving you smiling at the end. It is such a great time! If you haven't seen it yet, it runs through September 4. Get your buns to Zach! These days, we all need a little lifting up!

Saturday 9: Jamming (1977)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In Jamaica, "jamming" means to celebrate. What's going on in your life today that's worth celebrating?
We purchased our first iMac. Jeff is setting it up right now, next to our ailing PC. I will use the PC to run my paper crafting website until July 31, 2017 or when the computer dies, whichever comes first! Then, no more PC and no more website. (Do you know how much Dreamweaver is for Mac?! Dude.)

2) The group that became famous as "The Wailers" originally called themselves "The Teenagers." What was trendy when you were a teenager (clothes, music, etc.)?
the original Madonna, The Go-Go's, Duran Duran, Prince, shoulder pads, big hair and high bangs, lots of big costume jewelry in bright colored plastic, stilettos with girly little socks, high side pony

3) Bunny Wailer and Bob Marley were very close. In addition to being bandmates, they were friends in elementary school and later became family (Bunny's dad and Bob's mom had a daughter together). Who has known you the longest?
Lori, since third grade

4) Does the person you named in #3, the one who's known you longest, know you best?
Lori and I were best friends back in the day, but Laura and Cathy know me best today.

5) Bandmate Peter Tosh became an avid unicycle rider. What's your favorite form of exercise? 
dancing and kickboxing

6) Bob Marley was known for his signature dreadlocks. When were you last in a stylist’s chair?
It's been a few months. I need to get back to the chair very soon.

7) Marley's charisma is credited for popularizing reggae music the world over. Are you a fan? 
I'm not really into it, but I like it now and then, with a tropical adult beverage.

8) Mr. Marley is one of the highest-earning dead celebrities, and manufacturers pay his estate to use his likeness to sell their merchandise. What dead celebrity have you seen recently on a t-shirt, mug, poster, etc.?
Stevie Ray Vaughn, who is very popular in Austin

9) Random question: Have you ever had your palm read?


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