Sunday Stealing on Monday

Monday, October 24, 2016

A&M 14
'Bama 33

Gah. We were winning in the third quarter against what is probably the best college football team in all of history. One ill-timed roughing the passer penalty led to a Tide touchdown, followed by huge emotional deflation, then 13 more points for 'Bama by the end of the game. I am so proud that we are incredibly improved from the past couple of years against them, and very disappointed that we couldn't keep up the fight.

Congrats to the crazy-amazing Crimson Tide. We'll see you next year!

Sunday Stealing: Wish List Meme

1.) What are 3 things on your Wish list and why? 

* shoes, because they're always on my list
* casual cool weather tops, because this will be the first fall/winter that I haven't been in an office every day
* a yellow candle for the mantel, because it will coordinate with the kitchen better than the blue one there now
2.) Do you miss your childhood? 
Not really. It was fantastic, but it's good to be a grown-up, too.

3.) What do you do on your spare time on the weekends? 
We usually try to do a day trip or interesting activity. If we stay at home, we'll watch a movie.

4.) What do you appreciate most in your life?
having a safe, pleasant place to live and great family and friends
5.) Would you rather be rich or healthy?
6.) If you could go back in time would you and why? 
I wouldn't go back permanently, but it would be great to go back to certain places and times just to visit.

7.) Favorite game as a child? 
Trouble, with the Pop-O-Matic! Sometimes you just pop it a million times for no reason.

8.) What is your dream career?
9.) What do you do in your free time? 
Lately, I play Simcity Buildit. It's an addiction, really. Any time things get slow, I start checking on my city.

10.) Favorite clothing stores? 
Macy's, Steinmart

11.) What TV shows can't you live without?
The Blacklist, Real Housewives of NYC/New Jersey/Beverly Hills/OC/Dallas 
12.) 3 things you need in your life are: 
music, humor, football

13.) What can't you sleep without? 
a good pillow

14.) Who do you have a celebrity crush on? 
Bradley Cooper

15.) What is your Favorite Season and why? 
Spring- coming out of winter with warmer weather and flowers and stuff

16.) What is your Favorite Wild Animal? 

17.) Name 3 of your Favorite Childhood shows:
CHiPs, Happy Days, Three's Company
18.) If you could live as a character in a movie, who would it be? 
the supercool Lara Croft

19.) Favorite vegetables? 
snow peas, jicama, cucumber

20.) Favorite Fruit?
21.) If you had a dragon what would you name it?
22.) What do you put on hotdogs? 
mustard and ketchup

23.) Do you play online games? 
Simcity Buildit

24.) Whats your favorite way to get inspired?
a great view
25.) Do you have a middle name?

26.) Favorite kid's name?
Lauren and Ethan
27.) Do you speak any other languages? 

28.) Do you use Twitter? 

29.) Do you go onto YouTube? 

30.) Do you play Angry Birds?
I have
31.) Do you like Angry Birds?
It's alright.
32.) Do you like Hello Kitty? 

33.) Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
Plenty of times

34.) Who would you like to see in concert? 

35.) Can you swim well? 
I never excelled in swimming. I swim well enough not to drown though. 

36.) Ever won a contest? 
several mostly academic contests, from creative writing to science fairs to choir

37.) Ever won a giveaway? 
I won the door prize (free groceries) as part of a test audience years ago, where we watched two new TV pilots and gave our feedback. I also won tickets to Huey Lewis and the News at a radio event in college.

38.) Do you get a full 8 hours of sleep every night? 
Ahaha no. I get about 6, maybe 7 on a good night.

39.) What tea do you like? 
Tazo Iced True Black or Gold Peak Sweet

40.) What coffee do you like?
Dunkin Donuts decaf
41.) Do you shop at Walmart? 

42.) Do you shop at Target?

43.) What do you order at Second Cup?
I don't know what that is.

45.) Do you like homemade meals?
46.) Do you like homemade baked goods? 
Of course

47.) Do you shop online?
48.) Name 3 online stores you would like to shop at:
Pottery Barn

49.) What holiday don't you like?
I like them all
50.) What do you eat more of when you're sick?


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