Hey Siri
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Maroon 5's new song "Don't Wanna Know" was on the radio on my way home from the airport today. (Scott-n-Kirsten are on their way to Australia! I'm totally jealous!) I asked my personal assistant, Siri (...who happens to be Australian, ha!), "Hey Siri- Does Maroon 5 have a new album?"
He said, "Yes."
Smartassery. Alrighty then.
"What is Maroon 5's new album called?"
"Sugar: Deluxe Single."
"That was last year and 'Sugar' isn't an album."
"I'm sorry. I didn't understand that."
When Siri and I aren't on the same page, he should just say, "I'm sorry I didn't understand that, but I'd be happy to collect some George Clooney photos from the internet for your perusal, straightaway."
Then I don't have to contemplate trading him in for the British fellow.
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