Come Whaaaat Maaaaay

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Jeff took me out for early (yes!) Valentine's Day night, to the Moulin Rouge (yes!) Movie Party at the Alamo Drafthouse. I don't know how many times I've seen that film, but it's amazing. Every. Single. Time.


SO good.

I hadn't ever been to the movie party for it. Alamo's movie parties have props and stuff, which adds to the fun. Two missing props last night: Kleenex would have been helpful. Also, too bad we couldn't have sparklers for the "Spectacular Spectacular" finale. Right?! Do they have to be used outside? I dunno. It would have been supercool though. Your sparklers would go out right about the time Satine keels over.

(Oops, spoiler alert.)

Sunday Stealing

1. Have you ever tried to learn (or re-learn) a foreign language as an adult? Which one? What worked for you?

I have not tried to learn or re-learn a foreign language as an adult. Would love to.

2. Do you donate blood? Do you know your blood type?
I can't donate blood, because I had Hodgkins lymphoma. My blood type is O+. (Most cancer survivors can donate blood safely to others. There are different rules at different donation centers for cancer survivors donating blood, but in general, see these guidelines at the American Cancer Society website.)

3. Have you ever been in a play or musical?
Several in elementary through high school.

4. Do you use certain text or ring tones for specific people? Who gets their own? Or do you just use the default on your phone?
People I talk to regularly and close friends/relatives get a ring tone. It's currently the same one for everyone. All others in my contacts, along with anyone not in my contacts, have a silent tone, so I don't hear it at all.

5. When did you get your first digital camera? Do you still shoot on actual film, or all digital now?
I think I got my first digital camera when Lauren was small, in the mid 90's. I've been all digital since then.

6. What do you think someone else would say the most daring thing you’ve done is?
Someone else would probably say my high school talent show. Ha! I would say riding around Dallas in a teensy, four-seat plane, with Jeff's buddy piloting. 

7. Do you talk with your hands?
Not really.

8. Do you have a lucky number? What is it, and what is the story behind it?

9. What kind of milk did you drink, growing up? And now?
We got whole milk when I was growing up. I have always bought 2%.

10. What is your favorite kind of pie?

11. Are you a note taker?

12. Do you have an eclectic mug collection, or is your stuff all matchy matchy?

13. Do you have a junk drawer in your house/garage/at work/wherever?
Who doesn't?

14. What is the longest amount of time you’ve worked at one job – and what was/is it?
Volunteer webmsitress for a nonprofit foundation for 15 years.

15. How old were you when you took your first commercial flight? To where did you fly?
I was two or three years old, flying from Frankfurt, Germany to Houston, Texas.


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