Politics Over Friendship?

Thursday, January 31, 2013

But first... Am I the last to know that George Lucas and Mellody Hobson have been dating for six years and are now engaged? I love Mellody! She's the cutest financial guru ever. We've followed her advice on several things, including how to disburse funds to your child while they're away at college. I particularly liked the idea of giving them their spending money like a paycheck- twice a month- so they learn to budget in that way for when they are working.

I just would never picture Mellody dating someone that much older. Just... wow. But congrats to them!

So I was very disappointed to see that one of my dearest friends (Doug) ranted all over another of my dearest friends (CJ) on Facebook, and then defriended her, because he disagrees with her politically.

We're not friends with people just because we mutually agree on all things political, are we? Gosh I hope not. I'll have to defriend a lot of you.

Just saying.

I think Doug was particularly offended by one small part of Cathy's post. It's fair for him to make his point, of course, but all manner of decorum went out the window from his first sentence. It was a loud rant, spread over about 15 separate comments in a row. He ended by saying he doesn't want to ever have contact with her again.

Well, I guess that's how you find out who your friend's true friends are... or aren't. Ha!

Cathy was befuddled by the whole thing. It seemed to me to be one of those cases of being angry about something that really isn't the thing you're angry about. Taking something out on someone who isn't to blame. Ya' know?

Eh. I was just shocked.

Meanwhile, back at the hacienda (or the workplace).... my job is going GREAT. I have to prioritize my tasks at the moment, because I have a bunch of training and my regular job to get done. Within a few weeks, that should all be ironed out. The people could not be nicer. Awesome staff!


Song Lyrics of the Day

Monday, January 28, 2013

...If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Snow Patrol "Chasing Cars"


Les Mis... de Nouveau

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Les Mis again? Why yes please!

MelissaC and I saw Les Misérables at the Drafthouse yesterday. I cried more the second time than the first, if that is possible. Mostly because of Russell Crowe's singing. But really, crying in a theater where you can hear a pin drop during the quiet parts, because patrons don't speak at all (thank you Alamo!), is hard to do without embarrassing yourself.

Song Lyrics of the Day

...The rain that brings you here
is Heaven-blessed
The skies begin to clear
and I'm at rest
a breath away from where you are...

"A Little Fall of Rain" Les Misérables

Sunday Stealing: The Meme From Suburbia

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
Lauren was in 3rd grade. I volunteered at school and at the Foundation, but most of my work time was spent co-running the fansite.

Here's a random entry from my LiveJournal in January 2003--

I just got an email from someone named Willie Johnson. The guy asks me, "Can you send me some pics of Justin Timberlake?" He signs with a link of some sort.

While I'm making nasty comments about this weird email, Jeff says, "You didn't click on the link did you?" Duh, no.

He tells me, "Never click on a link sent to you by a guy with two penis names."
Words to live by, folks.

2. By this time next year, I ...
will have an updated kitchen.

3. Do you think the United States will elect a female President in your lifetime? Do you think this would be a good thing?
Yes and yes.

4. Which fictional, TV show character you would shag anytime?
Denny from Grey's Anatomy. He. Was. Awesome.

5. Who is your greatest enemy?
The only person with whom I have any serious issue is a former good friend who took credit for work I did several years ago, so she could further her own aspirations. Karma eventually stepped in, and it ended up being a disaster for her. I try not to take any joy from that.

6. Tell me about your most recent trip of more than 100 miles?
Went to Dallas for Christmas with the fam.

7. Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus?
Thesaurus. It's more common that I cannot think of the word that means [this or that] and starts with a [insert letter here], than not knowing what a specific word means. Thesauri are perfect for figuring out those words.

8. Do you have a nickname? What is it?

9. What are you dreading at the moment?
Figuring out the best way to significantly reduce my volunteer hours, now that I'm working.

10. Do you worry that others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
Not really. My friends know me and are rarely surprised by any of my answers. If anyone wants to judge me, that's their prerogative.

11. If you find an outfit you love, but the size on the label is larger than you want, do you buy the outfit? Why or why not?
I didn't used to, but I do now. I've tried on enough clothes to know how differently every brand, and even various items from the same brand, fit. I buy what looks good on me, whether it's my normal size, or bigger or smaller.

12. Even the biggest slackers are anal-retentive about something. What are you anal-retentive about?
Keeping the sharp kitchen tools on the right and back edges of the kitchen tool drawer, in positions that aren't likely to injure anyone.

13. Out of all the books you read as a child, which one had the biggest influence on how you are today?
Wow. I have no idea, but my favorite book was The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams.

14. Which Golden Girl would you want to spend a night on the town with?
Blanche, of course

15. What is the one product you would never buy in its generic form even if the generic is half the price?
Generic canned green beans- always a bad choice.

16. How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa?
8. At lunch one day, JerryO told me there wasn't a Santa. I argued with him about it. I about started a war between the believers and the non-believers in the school cafeteria.

17. What is the one smell that turns your stomach without fail?
fake banana

18. If someone holds out a carton of milk to you and asks you to sniff it to see if its spoiled, do you?

19. You have a completely free day and $2000. What are you doing?
Shopping for work clothes!

20. What is the most used item in your home?
iced tea maker


Saturday 9

Saturday, January 26, 2013

I'm going to receive a Foundation award next week at a fancy reception shindig. It comes with an actual TROPHY, people. I told Chad I haven't won anything in a long time, and I intend to deliver a rambling speech.

He said they'll cue up some music to play me off. 

That would rock.

Saturday 9: Stormy Weather

1) Do noisy storms scare you?

2) Mother Winters tells us Lena Horne was considered one of the great beauties of the 1940s. Whom do you consider one of today's most beautiful women?
Jennifer Lawrence

Incidentally, also gorgeous as a blonde. Oh. Is that Bradley Cooper there? Random.


3) Crazy Sam admits it -- there's a big bag of recycling she really should take out to the bin. Yet she's composing this meme. What should you be doing, instead of answering her questions?
Probably just about anything. I should mostly be mopping the kitchen floor.

4) Sam may be crazy, but she's not stupid and will never waste her money on Cialis, no matter how many unsolicited emails she receives! What's the most recent addition to your spam folder?
"Wish You Could Learn Japanese Fast?"

5) What was the last thing you cooked?
hamburger steaks with brown gravy

6) Do you remember the lyrics to your high school fight song? If so, please share a bit.
I don't remember the fight song, but I remember the school song~

Hail Clear Creek High
To youuuuuu we'll be truuuuuue
We'll follow your standards
For years to come, we'll honor you...

7) "Samantha" is the feminine of "Samuel" and means "Listener." What's the derivation of your first name?
Katherine is from the Greek katharos, meaning "pure."

*adjusts halo*

8) Are you following the NBA or NHL this year? If so, which team are you rooting for?
Uh... no.

9) Gloves, umbrellas, sunglasses, keys -- which of these do you misplace most often? 


R-O-W... D-Y!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Yesterday, while Lauren and I were doing our daily neighborhood walk, a cute little dog started following us. Well, actually he was mostly leading and glancing back. He stopped to pee on every bush we passed, and then we'd hear the clicking of his little toenails on the sidewalk as he ran to get in front of us again.

We walk twice around a big looping route, so we figured he would leave us whenever we got back to his house. We walked a while and soon came upon some of our neighbors across the street, who were out with their dog. Their dog started barking. Our little friend then darted across the street in front of a car, which luckily had seen him and stopped easily.

The neighbors said they see that dog running around without a leash all the time. At that point, we all took a look at his tag. His name was Rowdy. Aww. He lived a bit further down the road, near where he originally met us.

Lauren and I continued our walk with him. When we got to his street, he took a look down there, but kept following us. We led him to his front door and tried to walk away. Of course, he followed us again. So we had to personally deliver him to his owner, who thanked us, and then shook his head and said, "Rowdy, Rowdy, Rowdy..."

So fun to escort Rowdy on his adventure du jour!

Friday Five: Unusual Stuff

1. What’s the most surprising or unusual thing to be found in your wallet, purse, or backpack?
My anniversary ring. It needs new prongs, so it's in the coin part of my wallet, until I can deliver it to the jeweler.

2. What’s the most surprising or unusual thing to be found on your computer’s hard drive?
A couple of hilarious chatroom sessions with the fansite girls, from 2001.

3. What’s the most interesting thing hanging on your walls?
The awesome photo collage Laura made for me, of Lauren's and my VIP experience with Daughtry. Such a fun reminder of that night!

4. What’s the most uncharacteristic thing in your fridge?
Hoisin sauce

5. What’s something you’ve done in the past year that you thought was going to be awful but turned out pretty good?
Last summer, I made a hotel reservation in Massachusetts, about a half-hour outside Boston. It was a small-town deal, at a chain that I wasn't sure about. That trip, the hotel had to be more about location than quality. I kept thinking, it's only a place to sleep. We'd be at the family reunion at the beach house almost the whole time. The hotel turned out to be great!


...And She Got a Job!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hello JAXON! *embarrassing, frantic, friend-mom waving*

Lauren told me she gave my blog link to besties-since-age-3 buddy Jaxon. She about sent me into a giggle fit, describing her glowing recommendation. "...It's a middle-aged mom blog. It has really good grammar..."

Hee! That is totally my new tag line.

Talking For Free: It's Us Who Make the Noise Middle-Aged Mom Blog with Good Grammar


Lost at E Minor has this headline-

Must be some tiny bracelets.

Waka waka.


Oh, and did I mention I got a job?!! Yeah, baby! We're still discussing my start date, which could be as early as next Wednesday. A few former coworkers and managers from my old job in 1993 are there. I think we all feel ancient thinking about it, but it's so cool to see them again. I am reminded of my favorite "work" photo, from a 1992 pool party at Melissa's. My hair is long and permed, and I'm wearing a bow headband and my company t-shirt.

That one may need a frame to go on my new desk!


Disappointments Diary Available

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Good news, my pessimist pals and my curmudgeonly compadres!! The Disappointments Diary is now available in the US. Thank you, Nick for letting me know! Just visit disappointmentsdiary.com to order your copy. Click in the link at the bottom and choose the correct shipping option. I'm not affiliated with them, just sharing because their product is so awesome!

In other news, my friend... let's call him Joe, because I don't want to get anyone in trouble... is a football referee. Joe went to a certain university we'll just call Big State for purposes of this unnecessarily long story.

I was browsing Joe's Facebook page, because I haven't seen posts from him in months and was wondering why. (He used to be one of those who posted an uplifting message every morning at 5:30 a.m.  I may have taken him off my feed because of it.)

Well, there was a wall post from someone who said, "Hey Joe! I saw you on TV, working the Big State bowl game!! Awesome!"

He says, "That was me! It was great!"

Now, I'm not positive Joe was officiating, although it certainly sounded like it. I mean, maaaaybe there was a TV shot of him working concessions or something, but I'm fairly sure he was officiating.

Can you officiate a game for your alma mater?? It seems sort of shady. Maybe the better question is should you officiate a game for your alma mater?



Monday, January 21, 2013

Hubby just sent me this:



Sunday Stealing

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday Stealing: The Back 15 Meme

15) How do you vent out your anger?
Listen to pissy music. Loud.

16) Favourite toy as a child?
my Lemon Twist

17) Favourite season?

18) Do you ever get letters delivered by the post office?
I still get quite a few cards, but no letters.

19) When was the last time you laughed hard?
The last time was something that Laura said recently, and I told everyone about it, but I cannot remember it right now. Gah! It was as funny as the never-gets-old...

Laura: Do you feed the cat?
Five-Year-Old Lauren: No, he eats all by himself.

Hmm. Well, for some reason, I always fall on the floor laughing at the current AT&T commercial with the kid doing two things at once:

That kid is awesome. My other fave in that ad series- "...We could tape a cheetah to her back."

20) What is on the floor of your closet?
winter shoes/boots, 2 hampers, tripod

21) Are you any good at drawing?

22) What did you do last night?
Lolo, J and I watched Pitch Perfect. It is one of the funniest films you didn't see last year! (Lauren and I did though.) Rent it!

23) What are you most afraid of?
Those Honey Boo Boo people. My heavens, WHO is watching that?

24) Plain, cheese or spicy hamburger?

25) Favourite dog breed?
cocker spaniel

26) Favorite day of the week?

27) How many states / provinces / countries have you lived in?
Rheinland-Pfalz in Germany + Texas and Kansas in the US...
One... tuh-HOO... th-REE. Three.

28) Diamond or pearl?
Girl, please. Diamond.

29) What is your wish for this new year?
peace on earth

30) New year resolutions?
Alt text for every image. Every. One. Right, web designers?


Saturday 9

Saturday, January 19, 2013

My friend and former colleague has been working independently as a contractor for years now. On Wednesday, she got a call from someone she knows in HR at the company where I most want to work. She recommended me for the job they're trying to fill. Thursday I had a phone interview. Yesterday, I spent 4 hours at the office in face-to-face interviews. (And wearing heels. Oh. My. Gawd.) Barring my having unknowingly wrecked my chances at some point, I'll get an offer Monday.


It's no secret that I wouldn't be their ideal choice. Things are going so fast because they have projects coming in quickly and they need 2-3 people... like, yesterday. They would love to have folks with 20 years experience, or at the very least, current experience. The position will be a big challenge that I would be happy to take on. Luckily, many of the higher-level management are people with whom I worked at my old job, so they know me. That is probably the number one reason I have a shot at this at all.

My advice for job hunters is the same as I've received myself-- Network, network, network. Also reach out to friends and former coworkers who will likely have leads. Especially in this slow economy, companies like to hire people their quality employees know.

So please cross your fingers, folks. Job hunting can be a frustrating and exhausting process for anyone, but is particularly difficult when you've been out of the industry for almost 20 years. My search may finally be ending in a whirlwind hiring.

Saturday 9: Bette Davis Eyes

1) Has anyone ever told you that you resemble a celebrity?
Gib thinks I look like Laura Linney. Cathy's friend Jimmy said I look like Ellie Kemper.

In high school, it was always Molly Ringwald. In the 80's, if you had hair of a reddish hue, you were considered a dead ringer for her. Other than the freckles and fair skin, I look absolutely nothing like her. It's like saying all Asians look alike. Come on now.

2) Is there an actress or actor whose movies you make it a point to see?
Aside from the exceedingly obvious, I have made a point of seeing most of Jack Nicholson's films.

3) We're stopping for refreshments before we go in to see the movie. What's your refreshment stand order?
Coke Icee. Maybe popcorn, if you wanna share.

4) When did you last consume an alcoholic beverage? What was it?
I had wine at Kathy's last Saturday night. It was the 2009 Müller-Thurgau from Kramer Vineyards that my in-laws brought for me at Thanksgiving. Yummo. I had never heard of it before, but it is a white grape cross between a Riesling and Madeleine Royal (which I'd never heard of either). Touch of sweetness, but not too sweet.

5) Are you jumpy? Do you startle easily?
I can be. Not notoriously so, though. I usually startle around the house, when Jeff or Lauren come into a room after I've been alone there for a while.

6) Do you wear a watch?
I haven't for over ten years.

7) When was the last time you tried a new restaurant?
Several weeks ago, Jeff and I went to Lupe Tortilla in Westlake. The queso flameado was amazing (get the chorizo), and they have the best beef fajitas on the planet- no comparison.

8) What color is your wallet?

9) How much does it have in coins right now?
It has one lone quarter in it. I don't use cash very often and I rarely have any coins. If I get any, I dump them in a baggie as soon as I get home.


Te'o's Fake Girlfriend

Thursday, January 17, 2013

So, how 'bout Manti Te'o's fake girlfriend? (Here's the full original story at Deadspin.)

What the...?! It would be bad enough that he was "Catfished" by a male friend, but evidence shows Te'o claimed to have met this woman several times.

From ESPN:

In an interview with ESPN for College GameDay on Oct. 2, Te'o said that Kekua's last words to him were "I love you." He also said that she was "the most beautiful girl I've ever met."
From Deadspin:
Te'o and Kekua meet after Stanford's 45-38 victory over Notre Dame in Palo Alto, according to the South Bend Tribune: "Their stares got pleasantly tangled, then Manti Te'o extended his hand to the stranger with a warm smile and soulful eyes." Kekua, a Stanford student, swaps phone numbers with Te'o.
 and also
"Every once in a while, she would travel to Hawaii, and that happened to be the time Manti was home, so he would meet with her there."
Yet, Notre Dame and most media outlets are going with the "poor Te'o was bamboozled by a fake online persona" angle.

Tsk tsk. It's not hard to see that it is the press, the university and the public who were bamboozled here.

Quantum leap...

LiveNation question on FB yesterday:

It was your first date. You wanted to set the mood. What was the first song on your mixed tape?

Isn't is a MIX tape? Hm.

My first date with Jeff was to the Baylor/A&M basketball game at G. Rollie White Coliseum, January 28, 1987. He took me to dinner first, where I talked way too much. (He's thinking now how little things change.) The first song on my basketball date mix tape would have been... "We Will Rock You!"

We lost that game by one point.

It was probably my Baylor-yellow sweater that did us in.

As for romantic songs at the time, I would go with "Take My Breath Away" by Berlin.



Wednesday, January 16, 2013

But first... Bad Lip Reading of the NFL!

OK. Lance Armstrong...

The guy is a cheater. When he was finally caught, he lied about cheating. Perhaps even worse than being a cheater and a liar, he bullied those who threatened to expose him, using his power in the sport to manipulate the system and the people working in it.

Somehow he went from one of the most respected and admired people in the world to a PR disaster. I had almost forgotten about him, until he and his people started floating rumors about finally admitting to doping. Now there's a media circus surrounding the Oprah interview, which doesn't even air until Thursday. They're trying to milk this for every second of airtime they can get, when he would have been far better off drifting into obscurity.

It's heart-breaking that the Livestrong Foundation is suffering because of all this. It's one thing to throw away your own reputation. To take down a highly successful, life-saving non-profit with you is very unfortunate for us all.

My buddy JeffP presented some very eloquent anti-Armstrong commentary yesterday when engaging his Facebook friends. Then at one point, he said, "At least he had the ball to finally come clean."

Sure, you're cringing now, but when the opportunity comes up, you know you're going to repeat it.  ;)


I am Not Really a Wizard

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

One of the clips the Drafthouse played before The Hobbit was this scene with Sir Ian McKellen and Ricky Gervais, from a show called Extras. So great!

Sir Ian McKellen explains "acting" on Extras

Brad | Myspace Video

"Sir Ian, Sir Ian, Sir Ian... Wizard YOU SHALL NOT PASS!... Sir Ian, Sir Ian, Sir Ian..."

 Patrick's Saturday Six: S  

1. S is for SEW: What is the extent of your sewing talent?
I can use a sewing machine for straight lines, and make things like simple curtain panels, pillowcases etc. I can sew on buttons and do minor repairs by hand. That's about it.

2. S is for SHOPPING: Which store do you dread visiting the most?
Ross. That place has an icky feel to it. It's not dirty, per se, but it feels cluttered and messy. I only go there if I'm looking for inexpensive home decor or in the mood to spend time hunting for a great bargain.  

3. S is for SONG: What’s the last song that got stuck in your head?
"Wide Open Spaces." Thanks, Pedro.

4. S is for SPEED: As a general rule, how close (in miles per hour) do you stay to a posted speed limit?
within 4mph

5. S is for STRIP: Would you be more or less likely to attend a party if you knew strippers would be present?
I assume you mean male strippers. I wouldn't be any more or less likely to attend. I enjoy watching male strippers dance, but as soon as they come over and want you to put your hands all over them, it gets weird. I know, you guys are wishing female strippers did that.

6. S is for SUGAR: When you want to sweeten something, are you more likely to use real sugar, the pink packet, the blue packet or the green packet?
blue packet


Golden Globes

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Golden Globes are SO much fun to watch! I love the fashion and the celeb-spotting and the irreverent vibe. Then, as a bonus, I enjoy the awards, too! Definitely my favorite awards show of the year.

Tell me, how can Robert Downey, Jr., Bradley Cooper, Hugh Jackman and George Clooney be in such a small room and there not be some critical mass of handsomeness that causes the whole place to spontaneously combust? The world may never know.

What the hell was up with Lena Dunham? Why couldn't she walk? Bad shoes, I'm guessing, but she never referenced them. If my shoes were hurting that bad, or were too high, I would mention it in one of my speeches. And I would take them the heck off! It's the Globes, not the Oscars. It's okay to be barefoot there.

Someone said she wasn't used to walking in clothes. Bwahaha. I haven't seen the show, but I've been watching the trail of its stars on Letterman the past week. Lots of nudity, evidently. Especially Lena's character.

Of all the premium-channel shows that I'm not able to watch, Homeland is the one I wish I could see. Claire Danes was beautiful last night! I've always really liked her. The show looks awesome from the clips I've seen.

Too bad for Silver Linings Playbook that Les Mis came out this year. Both amazing films in the comedy/musical category, but Les Mis is the big-money blockbuster there. It won best comedy/musical. Anne Hathaway totally deserved her win for best supporting actress. Not bad for twenty minutes in a film. And of course, Hugh for Best Actor in a comedy/musical. Jennifer Lawrence won for Best Actress though!

Quentin Tarantino is a talented guy, can be very funny, but his narcissism drives me up a wall.

My Facebook peeps, without exception, loved Jodie Foster's speech. I hated it. It was rambling and some parts I just plain didn't understand. She would go one direction and then pull it back and seemingly go in the opposite direction. For instance, she seemed to say that she was quitting show biz, that she wanted to be heard but not seen, and then said we'd be seeing her a lot with a microphone that wasn't as sparkly as the ones we're used to seeing her with. We thought that was an announcement that she was going into politics or news.

She made a joke about announcing she was single, rather than announcing she was gay, which I thought we already knew. Didn't she come out last year? Last night people were saying she came out during the speech, but I thought she was already out, and if not, she didn't actually come out in that speech, other than to say that her ex was a woman (at which time, the camera focused on her two sons, about the older of whom I remarked, "That's her ex? She looks like a teenage boy.")

Then she talked about wanting privacy, but wasn't she just telling everyone she was gay? She seemed to say she was retiring, but told reporters after the speech that she was not retiring at all. She was as into acting as she's ever been.

Very confusing. I think she was trying to purposely be elusive, and it just came across as unfocused to me. I still think she's an amazing actress and director! She just needs a speech writer. Or maybe less of whatever she was drinking.

Speaking of writers, during his speech for Best Actor in a Dramatic Film, Daniel Day-Lewis said of Lincoln screenwriter Tony Kushner, "Every day, I have to live without the immeasurable wealth of your language, which reminds me every day of the impoverishment of my own." Oh man. Best. Compliment. Ever.

Loved Amy Poehler and Tina Fey, especially after Lena Dunham said their humor had "gotten me through middle school."

"Actually, she might need a medic." *snort*

Fab job, ladies.

A note- Jeff and I saw The Hobbit again yesterday, this time with Lauren, Kathy and Alex, and also for the first time in 3D HFR. It was really, really cool. Angel had the best description of HFR: It looks like you're watching a play, like the actors are actually standing in front of you, rather than on film. I can sometimes get motion sickness, and I had heard this was a problem for a lot of people, but I had absolutely no issues with it. I agree that, in the HFR version, the special effects are occasionally very obvious and look fake. On the flip side, some of the CGI creatures, like the wargs, I thought were more real and all the more impressive because of it.


80s Photos

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Broncos lost. The Ags won. How are my Texans going to do today?! And will they run over time into the Golden Globes? 'Cuz the Golden Globes win there.

Had a hilarious photo posting exchange with Doug on Facebook yesterday. I posted a pic of him from NYE 1986 on his wall and Kimberly commented that maybe I should have asked him first. It's an awesome photo, and I guess she either thought it looked like he had been drinking a lot (I don't think he had been), or that the 80s outfit he's wearing is a complete fashion tragedy (no comment). She didn't say which, but I said if he didn't like it, I would post the matching photo of me at the same party.

He got a total kick out of it, of course, so I sent him the other two photos from the party in a private message- the one of me, and another that showed both of our very-80s ensembles from head-to-toe. While I was out and unavailable last night, he posted those two pics.  


Lots of great comments! Very funny stuff. And he made the original photo his profile picture.

I'm actually very careful about posting photos without asking. I always err on the side of caution and PM a photo instead, if I have any doubts at all... or if I know that person has revenge photos of me.

Sunday Stealing: 40 of The Most Random Questions Meme, Part Two

21) What’s something you’ve always wanted?

22) Do you have hairy legs?

23) What does “Semper Fidelis” stand for?
Always faithful.

24) Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake?

25) Do you wear a lot of black?
I wear a lot of black pants and shorts. I only own one black top and one black dress.

26) Describe your hair:
Very curly/wavy and requiring products and/or a flat iron.

27) Do you have Entomophobia?
If my Latin is still good, I believe this is a fear of insects. No.

28) Are you an adult?
Um, yes.

29) Do you own or rent?

30) Do you have a tan?
Ahahaha. No.

31) Are you addicted to TV?
Not really. I do appreciate TV, but I can live without it.

32) Do you enjoy spending time with your in-laws?

33) Are you a sugar freak?

34) What happened to Larry King?
Anderson Cooper dethroned him.

35) What sign are you?

36) What do you wish on your birthday?
For three more wishes.

37) Who did you copy this from?
Sunday Stealing

38) Do you eat breakfast?

39) What would you name the royal baby?
I'm not much of a royal watcher, but I'll go with Sebastian for a boy or Alexandria for a girl.

40) Do you buy a newspaper?


Saturday 9

Saturday, January 12, 2013

I had a momentary thought of reactivating my Mafia Wars account, but I got over it. I do sort of miss it though. All my charts and lists... It really can be as complicated as you wanna make it. Ha.

I've had it completely blocked for so long that I had forgotten all about it. I checked in and I see that all my buddies are still on there. By this point, they're probably all advanced mob bosses or something.

It's just one of those activities that you find yourself thinking about at all hours. Gah. Such fun though! I stopped because it started feeling like a job to keep up with it. And like all social games, you feel obligated to help your friends, gifting them things, etc., which makes you feel like you have to check in at least once a day.

I'm trying to talk myself into staying away. Can you tell?

Saturday 9: We Owned the Night

1) Can you recall a time when you danced and romanced like you "owned the night?"
New Year's Eve 1998. Overnight party at the Hyatt Regency Town Lake with Chris and Alicia.

2) Samantha Winters admits she earned the name "Crazy Sam" during her party girl days in the 1980s. But now she's in bed by 11:00 PM. Do you have a regular bedtime?
Not really. During the week, I prefer to be in bed by 11 and asleep around midnight, but I'll happily stay up if anything is going on.

3) Lady Antebellum is one of the most popular acts in country music. Do you often listen to country music?
I only listen to country if a friend recommends a particular song. Every now and then, a country crossover song finds its way onto my radio station. Otherwise, I make efforts to avoid it.

4) Are you responding to this meme on a desktop or laptop or phone or tablet?
On a phone or tablet? Are you nuts? It would take me sixteen years to type this out. I'm on my desktop.

5) How often do you check your horoscope?

6) Congratulations! You just won a trip to Switzerland! Is your passport up to date?
As a matter-of-fact, mine just expired and I need to get a new one.

7) Do you know how to snow ski?
No, but I would love to learn!

8) What's the first beverage you drink in the morning?
SlimFast. The beverage that's a meal.

9) Are you a good speller?
Oh yes.


Disappointments Diary 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013

I saw Asbury & Asbury's Disappointments Diary 2013 (that's a "calendar/planner," for us Yanks) on Lost at E Minor. Each page is a week, and has a phrase like "When one door closes, another one opens in your face." I'm optimistic to the point of being annoying, and I totally want one. So I Googled to see where one might order it, perhaps Amazon US, but it's doesn't seem to be available outside the UK. *sad face*

My search turned up a post about the Disappointments Diary on this awesome site called So Freaking Cool, where I had a good giggle at Sam's comment, "I'm a true pessimist. To me, the glass isn’t half-empty, it’s half-empty and half-filled with polluted air." I ended up reading through the site for a good half hour, just looking at everything. The stuff is so freaking cool and the writing is very entertaining. (And it's a good place to find gift ideas for guys.) Check it out.

Friday Five: Hurried

1. When did you last find yourself in a real hurry?
New Year's Eve, when we were trying to make it to our dinner reservation downtown. It was raining and we got caught in traffic, because there were three major accidents on Mopac within about 1/2 mile. Not. Even. Kidding. That morning, there had been an accident there as well. A few days before that, it had been raining and there were two accidents along the same 1/2 mile stretch on our way out of the house AND two more on our way back later. There's got to be something oily that spilled on the freeway there, when it was dry. No accidents in the opposite direction.

2. Often, when we’re in a hurry, we make stupid mistakes. What’s an example from your life that supports this, and what do you do to prevent such things from happening again?
I update websites all day, and if I do it in a hurry, I can make errors. My favorite is seeing html code on my rendered page... a couple of weeks later. OOPS. I just don't do that anymore. I'm super-careful with content updates, and always view my pages in browsers after updating.

3. Why are some people so loud in places where quieter voices are usually appropriate, such as this cafe that’s closing in a couple of minutes, where these high-schoolers are being so loud it’s difficult for me to write these questions?
Ha. As I am occasionally one of the loud people to whom this question is referring, I can say that it's usually because they are having a good time, have become unaware of their surroundings and are exhibiting a momentary lapse in standards of etiquette. I try to give them a break, but sometimes it goes on too long and I just go somewhere else.

4. How’s 2013 treating you so far?
Pretty well!

5. Are you more of a December person or a January person? What does this mean, anyway, and why are you whatever you are?
December. January is a let-down after the excitement of the holidays. It's back to the normal schedule.


Genetic Testing for Cancer Risk

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Disclaimer: Medical information you want to use for anything other than casual table talk with your friends should always be found through reliable medical sources (not blogs) and discussed with your own doctor. I get my information from reliable sources, including my docs and reputable online sources like the Mayo Clinic and others, but this info changes over time, so the following may be out-of-date when you read it. It may be totally incorrect info for your particular case. Check with your doctor if you have questions. Cancer treatment improves over time, so data is variable and ever-improving. Your mileage may vary.


For the past two years, my oncologist has been trying to get me to have the BRCA test done. That's the genetic mutation test for familial breast cancer. I've resisted for three reasons:

1) For twenty years, my breast cancer has been assumed by him and other physicians to have been caused by my radiation treatments for Hodgkins Disease. (Breast cancer in up to 30% of female Hodgkins survivors is reported, for those who had mantle radiation treatment when I did in the late 80s.)
2) I have no history of breast cancer in my family.
3) They're already watching me closely for breast cancer, because of both my radiation exposure and having had breast cancer, so what would be the difference in my healthcare if the test were positive?

We talked about it again at my annual checkup in December. He said one could never be sure of the cause of a breast cancer, and I was very young (25) when I had it, which is a risk factor for the BRCA mutation. In the regular population, the incidence of breast cancer is 12%. If you have the mutation, it is up to 80%. Many women elect to have preventative mastectomy, and the surveillance is actually more rigorous than what I am doing.

Additionally, there is increased ovarian cancer risk (from less than 1% in the general population to up to 44% with the BRCA mutation). I would have my ovaries removed in a New York minute, if I knew I had that risk.

I finally decided to do it. It's odd that I didn't want to do the test as soon as it was offered to me, because I am a very scientifically-minded person. If there is information I can get about my own health, I want it. Plus, this is life and death stuff, not insignificant. Why wouldn't I do it?

Because I was scared to death that I might have the mutation.

I just decided that, like any of the myriad diagnostic procedures I've had in my lifetime, having the test does not change the facts, it only reveals them. The situation is what it is, and you are better off knowing than not knowing, so you can fight your illness (or significant chance of one) armed with knowledge. Also, Dr. L pointed out that if the test showed I didn't have the mutation, it would be quite a load off my mind.

He forgets that until he mentioned it a few years ago, it wasn't a concern to me at all. Thanks, Doc!

A few days later, I met with the nurse practitioner who does genetic counseling and prepares the samples for the lab. While we were going through every detail of my family members' health, all the way back to my great-grandparents, she discovered a pattern that actually indicated a greater likelihood of another genetic issue in our family, called Lynch Syndrome. I have several relatives on my mom's side of the family with cancers of the brain, kidney and uterus, and many with colon polyps, which are benign but can sometimes be associated with colon cancer.

If you have Lynch Syndrome, your risk of colon cancer is up to 82%, compared to the general population's risk of 2%. Uterine cancer- up to 71% compared to 1.5% of the general population. You are also at increased risk of cancers of the stomach, ovaries, urinary tract, breast, brain, small bowel and pancreas. This is why it is sometimes called Cancer Family Syndrome.

So the nurse ordered up the Lynch Syndrome test as well. Why not. If I'm going to be sweating a test, I may as well sweat two. The only other genetic test available was one for melanoma, which is probably the only cancer my mom's family doesn't have.

I just got the results of both, and they were... negative! Whee!

One of the things cancer survivors deal with is having many medical tests for the rest of their lives. They may be part of your regular follow-up. You may have a symptom a little out-of-the-norm that wouldn't be a concern for the general population, but they want to "be cautious" and do an MRI or other diagnostic tests.

I've had a lot of unpleasant and/or worrisome tests and biopsies over the years, after which I waited anxiously for what ended up being negative results, but I will take a hundred nerve-wracking negative tests over one positive. Heck, I'm happy to be alive to have those tests at all. I'm thankful we've got the technology and knowledge we have.

Still waiting for the tricorder that they just wave over you for diagnosis and treatment.

He's dead, Jim.


Happy Hump Day

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


That's Walk Off the Earth ft. Terry "KRNFX" Im. If only the lead singer were a bit more animated, it would really rock. The dubstep sound... how on earth does he do that?!

So glad that ESPN apologized for Musberger's weirdo comments during the Alabama/Notre Dame game about McCarron's girlfriend. While we were watching, afterwards we just looked at each other and said, "What the heck was that all about?" I found it sexist, and I'm not sensitive to that sort of thing. Additionally, it was just creepy because of his age and the ongoing comments. Make a quick observation about her being pretty and move on. Don't keep going on and on about it like a drunk frat boy.

AJ McCarron was so funny when he found out about the million people who started following his girlfriend on Twitter that night, including LeBron James:

"...That is messed up."


Finally Got a Gmail Account

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Wanna make your day really exciting? Change your email addy.

See, months ago, Yahoo's contacts were constantly screwing up, randomly adding back in very old addresses, not keeping track of which address is the primary for each person, sometimes not syncing with my phone, etc. I moved my contacts to Google, which solved that problem, but then I was having to keep two lists of contacts- one in Google (for my addresses) and one in Yahoo Mail (for email). *head spinning*

I read an article on LinkedIn that said if you have a hotmail or Yahoo address, you are totally old schooling it, and should come into the 21st century with a Gmail address. Of course, I have hotmail AND yahoo. The only reason I don't have Gmail is that the last time I tried to get an account, I couldn't ever come up with a username that wasn't already taken.

I jumped all over the username firstname.lastname the minute Facebook said we could. I am firstnamelastname@hotmail.com. YEAH BABY. Keep in mind, I have a very common name. (My maiden name is not that common. I should have considered that when I got married... ;)  )

Now that Gmail has been around for a thousand years, every imaginable version of my name is taken. I finally ended up with the dreaded firstnamelastname###@gmail.com address.

Those numbers. Gah. You don't want to use your birthday or grad year, which eliminates any two number combos, which people will assume is the year of something. You can't use your atm card PIN. (Which is your birthday, isn't it? Ha!) It has to be something totally random, which is oh so boring, and hard to remember. So I chose three semi-random numbers, which if anyone asks, I will say is my weight.

Changed the addy. Sent out the mass email about changing the addy.

Realized I have an email forwarder from Texas A&M. *facepalm*

I thought about sending out a new email to everyone with the address at Aggie Network (which is WAY cooler than my gmail addy). I didn't. You're welcome. (If you have that address, it will also work. Just saying.)

Now I have to set up my old folders and stuff at Gmail and forward myself a bunch of things from my old account. I also use so many Google products now, that I need to figure out how they relate at this point. And I have to get used to a new email interface as well.

Maybe I'll just spend the afternoon seeing Les Mis again.

The only good thing- after my email, I'm hearing from some people I haven't talked to in a long time. We'll talk and then they'll forget to update my address in their contacts. That's what I would do, anyway!


Saturday Six on Monday

Monday, January 7, 2013

Patrick's Saturday Six: R

1. R is for RACE: If you had to attend some sort of race — horse race, NASCAR, etc. — which type would you most likely choose?

2. R is for REALITY: If you had to choose one reality show to watch, which would it be?
Impractical Jokers

3. R is for REINCARNATION: If you could come back after death as an animal, which would you choose?
domestic cat- quite the life!

4. R is for REPORTER: Which local reporters do you trust more: your local newspaper’s or your local TV stations’?
Local TV stations. The Statesman slants pretty far left of center.

5. R is for ROBOT: If science provided a practical robot to take care of chores around the house, would you be interested, or would you prefer doing it yourself?
Good heavens, why would I do it myself? Sign me up!

6. R is for RUDE: When you encounter what you consider is rude customer service, are you more likely to contact the manager on site or call the corporate office?
I'm most likely to contact no one at the business, but tell all my friends about it.



Sunday, January 6, 2013

Kathy and I walked a bunch of model homes in our area this week. So fun! She was looking for guest room decor and bathroom remodel ideas. I was looking at microwave and oven installation options. It turned out, every home had a media room (after Jeff tried to tell me media rooms are soooo over- nice try, Hon'), so I took photos of all those as well. I was going to show you here, but I don't think people are allowed to post photos of model home interiors. Can someone check with Legal on that? Kthanks.

There really should be a term for checking out model homes when you aren't looking to buy. We always say right off the bat that we are just taking a look. I want to say something like, "We're just lookie-looing," but lookie-loo was never intended to be a verb.

Some builder reps just dump you at that point, which is fine, but some are really cool and if there aren't any other clients, they chat with you about the house, the neighborhood, and the ironically "oddly" wintery weather. I'm sending friends to them, when they want to buy a house.

Sunday Stealing: 40 of The Most Random Questions Meme, Part One

1) What side of the heart do you draw first?

2) Can you dive without plugging your nose?

3) What color is your razor?

4) What is your blood-type?

5) Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
I initially read this as "what," not "who." I was about to say, "my iPhone," which would have read a little more kooky than it should have. I'll go with Bradley Cooper.

6) What is a rumor someone has spread about you?
that I'm a mathematics prodigy who took calculus in 7th grade

7) How do you feel about carrots?
I only like cooked carrots. Raw ones are so icky on all levels- taste, texture, the way they squeak against your teeth. Ack.

8) How many chairs at the dining room table?

9) Which is the best Spice Girl?

10) Do you know what time it is?
I have no idea.

11) Do you know all the words to the Fresh Prince Theme Song?

12) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator?
Text people about being stuck in the stupid elevator.

13) What’s your favorite kind of gum?

14) All’s fair in love and war?
Nope. That's a cop out, and positively deplorable to declare about either love or war. All's fair in strip poker though.

15) Do you have a crush on anyone?
No real people- just Bradley Cooper and George Clooney, although I don't know if I'm allowed to split my celebrity pass.

16) Do you know how to use some words correctly, but not know the meaning?
I don't think I get this question. If I'm using it correctly, I know the meaning. I've used a few words that I eventually found out didn't mean what I thought they meant. (I know. It seems... inconceivable!) Years ago, I used to use the word "peruse" to mean I was randomly skimming through a written item, when it actually means to study it very carefully.

17) Do you like to sleep?
No, I don't want to miss anything.

18) Do you know which US states don’t use Daylight Savings time?
Arizona? Let me check... WRONG- Hawaii does not observe DST either. Hmm!

19) Do you know the words to the song "Total Eclipse of the Heart?"

20) Do you want a bright yellow ‘06 mustang?
For free? Sure. Otherwise, no thanks!


Cotton Bowl Champs!!

Saturday, January 5, 2013


A&M 41  OU 13

Beautiful finish to a freakin' amazing season!

During last night's game, our pal StephenB sang the Aggie War Hymn on Bondi Beach in Australia (where it was a summer Saturday at the time), all by himself, while local beachgoers "looked at him funny."

Dude. I would have paid cash money to see that.

Cannot WAIT for next season. Is it August yet??!

In other news, we finally saw the Les Misérables movie. It's a very powerful production of the musical. I'm not an Anne Hathaway fan, but she is utterly amazing as Fantine. Just WOW. My other fave was Samantha Barks as Eponine, a role she played in the West End production. Here's Samantha, singing the same role at Les Misérables in Concert: The 25th Anniversary in London...

Russell Crowe was the only weak singer in the film. Not sure why they went with him. I kept wanting to tell him to put a little umph into it! He was hitting all the right notes, but just doesn't have the strength in his voice to match the rest of the cast.

Bring a ton of tissues, so you don't cry all over your jacket for three hours, like I did!


Happy Belated New Year!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

I just haven't been interesting enough to write for the past few days. (Please, no "or the last several years" comments, Peanut Gallery.) We did have a blast on NYE out with Scott and Julie, and later with Lolo at home. Since then, I've been cleaning and de-Christmasing and working on the new website.

I saw that cool thing Wordpress does with their blogs, with the End-Of-Year auto-created infographic you can post. One of my friends posted it on her blog, so I was reminded to share this blog's stats. It won't be an infographic, but let's see if it's interesting!


Top search terms
"talkingforfree" (Laura, stop looking for this blog on Google and bookmark the darn thing)
"sick face cartoon"
"the more you know" (ahaha!)
"nicole kidman moulin rouge"
"over-the-range microwave short height"

"Anal girl" is finally out of the top five! Woooooo!

Top countries visiting
USA, Brazil, UK, Indonesia, India

Top posts/pages
1. The archive of Mar 2009?? What the...? I guess Gorgeous George is at the top, and someone posted a link somewhere without taking the time to go to the individual post. You know, I can't blame them one bit.
2. The Sunday Stealing Movie Meme includes Nicole Kidman's Moulin Rouge costumes... so pretty!
3. Over-the-Range Microwave Height Problem We're finally about to have a cabinetry guy out to fix this at our house.
4. Oasis of the Seas Cruise Nice ship!
5. In High School They Called Me Anal Girl Of course.


About This Blog

This is a personal blog with no particular niche, or really any purpose whatsoever. Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom! Stalker...


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