Finally Got a Gmail Account

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Wanna make your day really exciting? Change your email addy.

See, months ago, Yahoo's contacts were constantly screwing up, randomly adding back in very old addresses, not keeping track of which address is the primary for each person, sometimes not syncing with my phone, etc. I moved my contacts to Google, which solved that problem, but then I was having to keep two lists of contacts- one in Google (for my addresses) and one in Yahoo Mail (for email). *head spinning*

I read an article on LinkedIn that said if you have a hotmail or Yahoo address, you are totally old schooling it, and should come into the 21st century with a Gmail address. Of course, I have hotmail AND yahoo. The only reason I don't have Gmail is that the last time I tried to get an account, I couldn't ever come up with a username that wasn't already taken.

I jumped all over the username firstname.lastname the minute Facebook said we could. I am YEAH BABY. Keep in mind, I have a very common name. (My maiden name is not that common. I should have considered that when I got married... ;)  )

Now that Gmail has been around for a thousand years, every imaginable version of my name is taken. I finally ended up with the dreaded address.

Those numbers. Gah. You don't want to use your birthday or grad year, which eliminates any two number combos, which people will assume is the year of something. You can't use your atm card PIN. (Which is your birthday, isn't it? Ha!) It has to be something totally random, which is oh so boring, and hard to remember. So I chose three semi-random numbers, which if anyone asks, I will say is my weight.

Changed the addy. Sent out the mass email about changing the addy.

Realized I have an email forwarder from Texas A&M. *facepalm*

I thought about sending out a new email to everyone with the address at Aggie Network (which is WAY cooler than my gmail addy). I didn't. You're welcome. (If you have that address, it will also work. Just saying.)

Now I have to set up my old folders and stuff at Gmail and forward myself a bunch of things from my old account. I also use so many Google products now, that I need to figure out how they relate at this point. And I have to get used to a new email interface as well.

Maybe I'll just spend the afternoon seeing Les Mis again.

The only good thing- after my email, I'm hearing from some people I haven't talked to in a long time. We'll talk and then they'll forget to update my address in their contacts. That's what I would do, anyway!


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