80s Photos
Sunday, January 13, 2013
The Broncos lost. The Ags won. How are my Texans going to do today?! And will they run over time into the Golden Globes? 'Cuz the Golden Globes win there.
Had a hilarious photo posting exchange with Doug on Facebook yesterday. I posted a pic of him from NYE 1986 on his wall and Kimberly commented that maybe I should have asked him first. It's an awesome photo, and I guess she either thought it looked like he had been drinking a lot (I don't think he had been), or that the 80s outfit he's wearing is a complete fashion tragedy (no comment). She didn't say which, but I said if he didn't like it, I would post the matching photo of me at the same party.
He got a total kick out of it, of course, so I sent him the other two photos from the party in a private message- the one of me, and another that showed both of our very-80s ensembles from head-to-toe. While I was out and unavailable last night, he posted those two pics.
Lots of great comments! Very funny stuff. And he made the original photo his profile picture.
I'm actually very careful about posting photos without asking. I always err on the side of caution and PM a photo instead, if I have any doubts at all... or if I know that person has revenge photos of me.
Sunday Stealing: 40 of The Most Random Questions Meme, Part Two
21) What’s something you’ve always wanted?
22) Do you have hairy legs?
23) What does “Semper Fidelis” stand for?
Always faithful.
24) Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake?
25) Do you wear a lot of black?
I wear a lot of black pants and shorts. I only own one black top and one black dress.
26) Describe your hair:
Very curly/wavy and requiring products and/or a flat iron.
27) Do you have Entomophobia?
If my Latin is still good, I believe this is a fear of insects. No.
28) Are you an adult?
Um, yes.
29) Do you own or rent?
30) Do you have a tan?
Ahahaha. No.
31) Are you addicted to TV?
Not really. I do appreciate TV, but I can live without it.
32) Do you enjoy spending time with your in-laws?
33) Are you a sugar freak?
34) What happened to Larry King?
Anderson Cooper dethroned him.
35) What sign are you?
36) What do you wish on your birthday?
For three more wishes.
37) Who did you copy this from?
Sunday Stealing
38) Do you eat breakfast?
39) What would you name the royal baby?
I'm not much of a royal watcher, but I'll go with Sebastian for a boy or Alexandria for a girl.
40) Do you buy a newspaper?
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