I am Not Really a Wizard
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
One of the clips the Drafthouse played before The Hobbit was this scene with Sir Ian McKellen and Ricky Gervais, from a show called Extras. So great!
Sir Ian McKellen explains "acting" on Extras
Brad | Myspace Video
"Sir Ian, Sir Ian, Sir Ian... Wizard YOU SHALL NOT PASS!... Sir Ian, Sir Ian, Sir Ian..."
Patrick's Saturday Six: S
1. S is for SEW: What is the extent of your sewing talent?
I can use a sewing machine for straight lines, and make things like simple curtain panels, pillowcases etc. I can sew on buttons and do minor repairs by hand. That's about it.
2. S is for SHOPPING: Which store do you dread visiting the most?
Ross. That place has an icky feel to it. It's not dirty, per se, but it feels cluttered and messy. I only go there if I'm looking for inexpensive home decor or in the mood to spend time hunting for a great bargain.
3. S is for SONG: What’s the last song that got stuck in your head?
"Wide Open Spaces." Thanks, Pedro.
4. S is for SPEED: As a general rule, how close (in miles per hour) do you stay to a posted speed limit?
within 4mph
5. S is for STRIP: Would you be more or less likely to attend a party if you knew strippers would be present?
I assume you mean male strippers. I wouldn't be any more or less likely to attend. I enjoy watching male strippers dance, but as soon as they come over and want you to put your hands all over them, it gets weird. I know, you guys are wishing female strippers did that.
6. S is for SUGAR: When you want to sweeten something, are you more likely to use real sugar, the pink packet, the blue packet or the green packet?
blue packet
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