Golden Globes

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Golden Globes are SO much fun to watch! I love the fashion and the celeb-spotting and the irreverent vibe. Then, as a bonus, I enjoy the awards, too! Definitely my favorite awards show of the year.

Tell me, how can Robert Downey, Jr., Bradley Cooper, Hugh Jackman and George Clooney be in such a small room and there not be some critical mass of handsomeness that causes the whole place to spontaneously combust? The world may never know.

What the hell was up with Lena Dunham? Why couldn't she walk? Bad shoes, I'm guessing, but she never referenced them. If my shoes were hurting that bad, or were too high, I would mention it in one of my speeches. And I would take them the heck off! It's the Globes, not the Oscars. It's okay to be barefoot there.

Someone said she wasn't used to walking in clothes. Bwahaha. I haven't seen the show, but I've been watching the trail of its stars on Letterman the past week. Lots of nudity, evidently. Especially Lena's character.

Of all the premium-channel shows that I'm not able to watch, Homeland is the one I wish I could see. Claire Danes was beautiful last night! I've always really liked her. The show looks awesome from the clips I've seen.

Too bad for Silver Linings Playbook that Les Mis came out this year. Both amazing films in the comedy/musical category, but Les Mis is the big-money blockbuster there. It won best comedy/musical. Anne Hathaway totally deserved her win for best supporting actress. Not bad for twenty minutes in a film. And of course, Hugh for Best Actor in a comedy/musical. Jennifer Lawrence won for Best Actress though!

Quentin Tarantino is a talented guy, can be very funny, but his narcissism drives me up a wall.

My Facebook peeps, without exception, loved Jodie Foster's speech. I hated it. It was rambling and some parts I just plain didn't understand. She would go one direction and then pull it back and seemingly go in the opposite direction. For instance, she seemed to say that she was quitting show biz, that she wanted to be heard but not seen, and then said we'd be seeing her a lot with a microphone that wasn't as sparkly as the ones we're used to seeing her with. We thought that was an announcement that she was going into politics or news.

She made a joke about announcing she was single, rather than announcing she was gay, which I thought we already knew. Didn't she come out last year? Last night people were saying she came out during the speech, but I thought she was already out, and if not, she didn't actually come out in that speech, other than to say that her ex was a woman (at which time, the camera focused on her two sons, about the older of whom I remarked, "That's her ex? She looks like a teenage boy.")

Then she talked about wanting privacy, but wasn't she just telling everyone she was gay? She seemed to say she was retiring, but told reporters after the speech that she was not retiring at all. She was as into acting as she's ever been.

Very confusing. I think she was trying to purposely be elusive, and it just came across as unfocused to me. I still think she's an amazing actress and director! She just needs a speech writer. Or maybe less of whatever she was drinking.

Speaking of writers, during his speech for Best Actor in a Dramatic Film, Daniel Day-Lewis said of Lincoln screenwriter Tony Kushner, "Every day, I have to live without the immeasurable wealth of your language, which reminds me every day of the impoverishment of my own." Oh man. Best. Compliment. Ever.

Loved Amy Poehler and Tina Fey, especially after Lena Dunham said their humor had "gotten me through middle school."

"Actually, she might need a medic." *snort*

Fab job, ladies.

A note- Jeff and I saw The Hobbit again yesterday, this time with Lauren, Kathy and Alex, and also for the first time in 3D HFR. It was really, really cool. Angel had the best description of HFR: It looks like you're watching a play, like the actors are actually standing in front of you, rather than on film. I can sometimes get motion sickness, and I had heard this was a problem for a lot of people, but I had absolutely no issues with it. I agree that, in the HFR version, the special effects are occasionally very obvious and look fake. On the flip side, some of the CGI creatures, like the wargs, I thought were more real and all the more impressive because of it.


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