Blast From the Past Continues...
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Our senior programmer is leaving us (he's already mostly gone- wah- but he's staying on as a part-time contractor until we're on our feet with a project), so we needed a new programmer. We had been looking for a while, but no luck.
Well, our new director just hired his and my old coworker, Mike! He starts next week. If you didn't work at the old company "back in the day," you are part of an ever-smaller minority at the office. Now if we could just get Kathy, Ina, Sal and MelissaN back in the gang...
Patrick's Saturday Six
1. A is for ABORTION: Do you feel that at least in certain circumstances, abortion should be an allowed option for couples, or would you ban it entirely for any reason whatsoever?
In most circumstances, abortion should be a legal option. Now, if you're six months along or something, I think you've passed your decision-making time. What is the line? I have no idea. But six months is definitely past it. (Yeah, I don't have the answers to all of life's ethical dilemmas.)
2. A is for ABSENTEE: Have you ever voted by absentee ballot? If so, how well did it go?
I'm fairly sure I voted absentee at least once while I was in college. As fuzzy as that answer was, I'm going to have to guess that it went fine.
3. A is for ACHILLES: Which non-diet food is your biggest weakness?
ribeye steak
4. A is for AIRCRAFT: What’s the largest plane you’ve flown in and where were you going?
A British Caledonian DC-10 in 1983 from Houston to London and back. Pretty sure there were 5 seats in the middle row.
5. A is for ARCHITECTURE: What is the most impressive structure you’ve seen in person?
Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria
6. A is for ASTRONOMY: Other than Earth, which planet in our solar system are you most curious about?
Venus. So bright in the sky some nights!
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