Ice Day Part II

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

This has been our second ice day in 3 business days! I like WFH as much as the next person, but yeesh. I miss my people. And my dual computer monitors.

Okay, I really only have three major observations from the Grammys:

1) If the supercool Pharrell Williams can't pull off a Smokey the Bear hat, there's no hope for any of you out there. Don't even attempt it.
2) Madonna looked and sounded old and ridiculous with her oh-my-gawd-is-that-a-55-year-old-with-a  grill and her walking-cane/spirit-stick thingie. Good grief. She could outcool Pharrell and all the rest of them if she would just be the goddess of pop she is and emerge onto the stage in a sophisticated, sexy dress with stilettos. classy makeup, and top it off with her pretty smile and great voice. Or maybe she's taken up smoking. It was just creepy.
3) Pharrell (I can't make it through a list item without including him) and Daft Punk singing "Get Lucky" with the amazing Stevie Wonder. EPIC.

In other news... There is a high school Instagram in trouble for posting photos of girls they've decided are the school sluts. A lively debate ensued on Facebook about it this weekend. While I don't think this Instagram is a nice thing to do, I would imagine that if you're not a slut, you wouldn't care, and if you are, then you're probably happy to have made the list.

Now, some of the photos are nude or semi-nude. That's illegal if the person is underage, so obviously we all have a giant problem with that.

One comment stuck out as plain old ignorant though (other than the creepers asking for the URL): "This is why my children go to a charter school. They all treat each other with respect." Seriously? If you think your kid's school doesn't have bullying because it's not a regular public school, you are sticking your head in the sand. *eye roll*

And finally, I leave you with a great quote of the day, from Supernatural...

Dean: So you're saying we're both a couple of dumbasses. 
Cas: I prefer the word "trusting." Less dumb, less ass.

I need to remember that myself sometimes. :)


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