Devil's Crossroads
Sunday, March 2, 2014
I am up too early for a Sunday, watching Gene Simmons Family Jewels, which I haven't seen in a few years. Turns out, I still want my daughter to marry Nick Simmons, Gene's son. That kid is hilarious.
This episode is "Memphis Blues," and Nick goes to the Devil's Crossroads, where highways 49 and 61 cross in Mississippi. The Crossroads, if you recall from O Brother Where Art Thou? (I get all my history through George Clooney films), is where Tommy Johnson sold his soul to the devil to be the best blues guitarist who ever lived. In real life, this legend later became associated with blues singer Robert Johnson, after Robert wrote a song about it. (I supplement my history lessons with Wikipedia.)
Anyhoo... Nick and his friend are at the Crossroads and there is a fast food joint across the street.
Nick: When you're at The Crossroads, selling your soul to the Devil, it's good to know... that you can get yourself some chicken strips with a sweet dipping sauce.
Enjoy the Oscars tonight, people!
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