Saturday Meme on Friday

Friday, March 7, 2014

The other day, a friend was talking about her young son and how she wants to "get him off the Strattera."
I thought, Why would she want to have him stop playing the violin?  It's been such a creative outlet and calming activity for him.

Then I realized I was thinking of Stradivarius.


Saturday 9: Theme from Peyton Place ("Wonderful Season of Love")
Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) Spring, summer, fall or winter: which season do you consider most wonderful?

2) Crazy Sam learned this song when she played flute in the high school orchestra. Did you participate in many after-school activities?

  • Brownies
  • 1 year of girl scouts
  • captain of our official neighborhood twirling team, the Scarsdale Stars (not even kidding)
  • elementary school Student Council (any political dreams I had ended after fifth grade, when the Council went with the Beaver as our brand new school's mascot. BEAVERS? REALLY? We could have been the Bears, but no.)
  • played piano
  • school musicals
  • school choir
  • middle school basketball and volleyball teams
  • high school Journalism- started as a sports reporter my freshman year and worked my way to advertising manager
  • Junior Engineering and Technical Society
  • annual Juniors vs. Seniors Powder Puff Football game- two years
  • Latin Club, where BobbyM suggested that our club t-shirt should say Da mihi caput. Good times.
3) The flautist next to her in the orchestra was Jeanne Pepitone. After a little Facebook spying, Sam learned that Jeanne is now Jeanne Moran, a nurse with a husband and a daughter. Sam shot her a "friend request." Do you keep up with your high school classmates?
Many of them!

4) When she performed with the school orchestra, Sam was required to wear gray slacks and a black sweater. What are you wearing right now, as you answer these questions?
a pink, short nightgown

5) Sam was especially dedicated to the school orchestra because she had a crush on Mr. Hanley, the school's musical director. He was the dark/thin/sensitive type. Tell us about a teacher you remember, and why he or she stands out.
I had so many outstanding teachers. One who stands out was my Physics teacher, Mrs. Lee. She is the person who helped me decide to be an engineering major and which discipline to choose. I had wanted to be a doctor, but I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to take the blood and gore. I loved math and physics, so she thought a health-related engineering major would be perfect. She was right! She spent a lot of time with me on that whole thing. She always made time to talk with me and I appreciated it so much.

6) Because Sam was so crazy about Mr. Hanley, she was desperate to attend his band camp. Her parents wouldn't allow it unless she could pay her own way, and so she didn't get to go. Were your parents strict or permissive? If you have children yourself, what's your parenting style?
My parents were permissive. Not to an unreasonable extent, but more permissive than almost all my friends' parents. I think we were pretty permissive with Lauren, too. As my mom used to say, it's easy to be a "laid-back parent" when you have a kid who typically makes good choices.

7) Sam liked Fridays because her favorite food, fried rice, was served in the school cafeteria. When you eat Chinese food, do you use chopsticks or a fork?
I use chopsticks with Japanese food and a fork with Chinese.

8) When Sam was a little girl, a new box of Crayolas could get her pulse racing. Now she loves her Sharpies. Do you enjoy shopping for school/office supplies?
LOVE it.

9) Do you have any plush toys? Or did you give them all up when you left childhood? 
I don't have any plush toys. No. The last one I had was in college. Jeff gave me a bear when I was at MD Anderson.


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