Don't Forget Me When I'm Gone
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
...myyy heart would break...
So Monday was one of those days the folks at the office who weren't at the old company HATE. One of the old peeps showed up for a visit! Woohoo!!
The Director of ClinOps when I was at the old place was in town from Boston. She was the best, back in the day. I mean, really stellar. She is an extraordinary leader and such a positive person. I can see her clear as day, exactly as she was in 1994.
When I approached her to say hello, she didn't instantly recognize me. Of course, it's been 21 years and I was also 9 months pregnant the last time we were together, so... there's that. To be honest, I wouldn't have recognized her right away either.
I started to reach out to just shake her hand, since she wasn't quite sure if she knew me or not, but then there was that super-awesome, light bulb recognition moment and she grinned and opened her arms to give me a big hug. So great!!
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