Saturday 9

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Saturday 9: The Times of Your Life (1976)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song is all about memories. How far back can you remember? What's your earliest memory?

I was three and I encountered a spider in our front window. EEK. My first positive memory was in the same townhouse, when I was three or four, dancing around the kitchen in my leotard and tutu.

2) The first line is "Good morning, yesterday." What do you remember about yesterday morning?
Yesterday, I took the back way to work for the second time, which was really easy. They've closed a lane on Mopac, so you really just do NOT want to take Mopac during rush hour, unless you have to. Monday and Tuesday I took Mopac and it sucked big time. At 6:45! When I got to work, I did some user acceptance testing for two studies, had David sign them off and got them pushed to the production databases. Next, I dealt with the fire of the day- a site using a four-year-old adrenal function test for a patient, rather than doing a new one. Then I took off for a long lunch-- shopping!

3) This song was originally a 60-second jingle, featured in a commercial for Kodak film. Do you ever use film? Or are all your pictures digital?
I have used film. I even used flash cubes, when I was a very young photog. Look that up on Google, kiddos. My photos are digital since about 2005.

4) Who took the most recent photo of you?
probably Beth, at Jennifer's shower

5) This week's featured artist, Paul Anka, was born in Canada and enjoyed appearing in a made-for-TV Perry Mason movie with fellow Canadian, Raymond Burr. Do you enjoy courtroom dramas?
Love courtroom dramas.

6) At 15, Anka won a supermarket contest by collecting the most Campbell soup can wrappers. The prize was a trip to New York. Do you enter contests and sweepstakes? Play the lottery?
Almost never have entered contests/sweepstakes. I've bought lottery scratch-offs, maybe once or twice.

7) This year Paul Anka performed throughout Florida (Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, Clearwater and Fort Myers). The Sunshine State is a popular vacation destination. Do you have a favorite spot in Florida?
Orlando. I think I would live there if I had to move to Florida.

8) In 1976, the year this song was on the charts, an earthquake hit China. Have you ever experienced an earthquake?
Yes. Hope to never go to San Francisco again. Sorry, San Fran. I love ya', but that was a deal-breaker.

9) Random question: Do you know CPR?
I have taken the class, but I need a refresher.


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