Sunday Morning

Sunday, February 28, 2016

I completely understand the emotion behind the "I'll leave the country if candidate XYZ is elected president" comments, but we are living in a democracy. If some insufferable doofus is elected (almost a guarantee at this point), he or she will have been elected by the majority and the rest of us will have to suck it up. Heck, even many (most?) people who voted for that person will be sucking it up, because they only voted for them as the lesser of two evils. I'm just hopeful that we are pleasantly surprised by the next president, and that the person will be able to work with Congress to get some positive things done.

Sunday Stealing: How Are Ya Today Meme

Okay, here we go. How are ya today? good
Have you ever been so happy you felt invincible? yep
Would you ever refer to something as ‘bitter sweet’? Yes
Is there a person in this world you don’t think you could ever figure out? Nah. I'm pretty good at figuring people out.
When was the last time you were freaked out? this morning when someone's gory post-surgery photos appeared on Facebook. Just... no.
Do you learn from ‘every’ mistake you make? Yes
Do you sometimes think that you’re too nice? to a fault, sometimes
Is there something you’re dying to tell someone? nope
Do you think you have a unique name? definitely not
Do you usually try to find the good in people? yes
Do you look back on embarrassing moments and laugh about them? definitely
Have you ever laughed just to save yourself from humiliation? of course
What are you doing in 2 hours? taking Kathy out for lunch for her bday!
What is the last thing you ate? pancakes
Do you love your job? No, but only because of the way it is managed.
When is the last time you showered? yesterday morning
Who is the last person you texted? Kathy
When is the last time you were in a hospital? when Lauren went to the ER for her leg pain in the fall
The last time you went out to eat, what did you order?
 deluxe chicken enchiladas at Chuy's
Do you tend to have a lot of those moments where you forget something that you wanted to say?
 not a lot, but I do have them
How long have you known the last person you text messaged? we were acquaintances since 8th grade, and became close friends after freshman orientation at A&M.
Will this week be a good one? yes!
Anything happen to you within the past month that made you really happy?
People at work coming by to let me know that I will be missed both professionally and personally when I leave.
Do you prefer to take showers at night or in the morning? at night
Have you been to New York City? yes!


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