Fun at the Dermatologist
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Will someone please poke me when it's safe to go back to Facebook? It looks like politics may have taken over permanently... well... except for on my neighborhood group, where the same old entertaining posts continue. One of the gals posted a video of herself lip-syncing in the aisles of our local grocery store to an old Pat Benatar song that was playing over the sound system. It was AWESOME and sort of makes up for having to sift through road rage-y posts and photos of dog poop. (Don't write off those obnoxious posts completely, because the comments can get pretty hilarious.)
I had a small, annoying dry skin patch- yeah, it has a medical name- on the bridge of my nose frozen at the dermatologist earlier this week. I've never had anything frozen before. The doc held what looked like a blow torch up to my face and said, "Close your eyes really tight."
Shouldn't the little skin spot have been painstakingly isolated and other areas protected? Perhaps some goggles would be in order? Maybe a shot of tequila? You cannot simply aim The Liquid Nitrogen Blow Torch of Doom at someone's face.
The spot is healing now, and the surrounding tissue is fine, so don't fear, if this happens to you.
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