Scream Queens
Monday, November 28, 2016
There are a couple of little girls a few doors down, maybe 3-4 years old. When they play outside, they scream blood-curdling, horror movie screams. I almost flew down there the first time I heard it. Well, I have finally become immune to them. Unfortunately that means that if there is any legitimate screaming (neighbor chops off an arm, poltergeist attack, alien abduction...), you'll find me oblivious, happily sipping tea on my back porch.
We watched Bad Moms, How to Be Single and Steve Jobs over the holiday. Bad Moms was pretty good! I would say definitely rent it. The other two were okay. There were about five minutes during How to Be Single where I was laughing SO hard, then other times when it was incredibly depressing. Steve Jobs was kind of "one note," basically repeating the same scene over and over through his years of work. That may have been how it happened, but it was a lot to sit through. And the ending was weird. Meh.
Sunday Stealing
How many Thanksgivings do you attend?
The last few years, we've been at Scott-n-Julie's or they have come here.
What is your favorite dish?
What is your least favorite dish at Thanksgiving?
What, if any, are your Thanksgiving traditions?
Name your FAV thing about Thanksgiving.
Do you make anything for Thanksgiving? If yes, share what and why.
I make it all, if we're here at the casa. I usually make turkey (only once have I made a whole one), dressing with gravy, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole. We have other items that I don't make.
Out of everything you eat at Thanksgiving, what can YOU cook the best?
sweet potato casserole (I've mentioned this three times, so I guess this is where I should thank Ina for this recipe!)
What do you drink with your Thanksgiving feast?
wine and water
Has there ever been a feud during your Thanksgiving?
Do you have appetizers before your Thanksgiving meal?
Not usually. We start with the meal and work our way to games, puzzles and/or football or whatever comes next.
How many people attend your Thanksgiving(s)? If yes, who?
3-7, depending on the arrangements. This year it was Jeff, Lauren, Scott, Julie and I.
Have you ever missed a Thanksgiving?
Um, no. Even when we went to Thanksgiving Aggie games, we had Thanksgiving somewhere- my grandparents', College Station restaurants...
What kind of pie/cake/dessert do you eat for dessert?
apple or pumpkin pie
Do you ever play games at Thanksgiving?
Sometimes. I had a Mad Lib for everyone this year, but I forgot to hand it out!
Name 3 things you are thankful for:
Lauren's pain improvement, Jeff loving his job, my contract work flexibility
Name the funniest person at your Thanksgiving this year and tell us more.
Everyone in the group is pretty entertaining! We laugh a lot.
Which person eats the MOST?
Scott, because he also works out the most.
Which person eats the LEAST?
Do any animals attend Thanksgiving dinner? If so, do they get Thanksgiving scraps?
No animals
Who carves the turkey?
Have you ever had to make Thanksgiving all on YOUR OWN?
A few times.
Do you get along with the people you have Thanksgiving with?
Very well!
Is your Thanksgiving formal, or do you just do whatever?
It's totally casual. We do manage to eat at the table as a group. With placemats.
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