Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Trump wins? Surprising, even to him, I'm sure.
The media had us believing that Clinton was a shoo-in all this time, but she wasn't at all. And that is the danger of letting your personal views spin the news.
As I was planning to mention here this morning (about Ms. Clinton, but shock of all shocks, now about Mr. Trump), that we needn't fear that half the country is "crazy" to elect this person. Probably at least half of them voted for him because they felt they had no good choice and he was the lesser of two evils. I blame the Democrats for not backing a more electable candidate. They put all their eggs in her basket from early on, and it was a huge mistake.
During the primaries, I think Trump was the vote for big change in government. Many people who voted for him then didn't really think he would actually be the party candidate, but it felt good to send a message that they wanted a shake up in Washington DC. It turned out, there were more "big change" voters that anyone thought, and he became their guy. I don't think there was anything they could have done to change that. The voters had spoken.
I have hope that Trump will select quality, politically experienced people for his cabinet, including a few Dems, perhaps from his liberal past. I hope that they are exceedingly knowledgeable and can help him to become more presidential. One thing I know about him from the election season is that he is easily swayed to a softer stance after he becomes informed about issues. Perhaps his cabinet, Congress and others can inform him of the big picture, so he can take his "shock value" ideas and evolve them into reasonable policies.
I do have one big problem with this election. Jeff's and my presidential votes weren't counted.
If you look at the Travis County election results, and click the plus sign next to General Election, you will see that the only Presidential write-in who got any votes at all was Darrell Castle. Well, we both voted for another write-in candidate, and those two votes are NOT shown for him, with all precincts reporting. We were careful to spell it correctly, so I have no idea what happened there.
It makes you wonder. Were our other votes on this ballot counted? Was it only an issue with write-ins or a more wide-sweeping issue? Was it a glitch?
I am also disappointed that Prop 1 passed here in Austin. Congratulations, tax-n-spend Austin City Council. Glad to know that my fellow Austinites feel that what we really need is more sidewalks and bike trails to get our unbearable traffic moving.
One funny spot last night- this on The Daytripper's FB page, with the hashtag "ElectionNight":
Love Airplane. It never gets old.
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