Nocturnal Animals
Friday, December 23, 2016
Saw Nocturnal Animals yesterday. It was really good up until the very last moment. Then we weren't sure what to make of it.
I wasn't a fan of the first three minutes or so, though. Good grief. It just went on and on, and was SO incredibly random. Susan thought it was terrible, too, and it was her exhibit, so there you go. After that, I was sucked into the story and never let go.
Amy Adams and Isla Fisher in the same film! They're long lost twins, right?! Just when you thought you'd never seen them together, so maybe they ARE the same person... they do a movie together.
Anyhoo... I liked the film a LOT. Visually, it is beautiful. It seamlessly travels from present to past to writer's imagination and back around again. There are differences in color and textures among the three worlds, taking us from dusty west Texas to trendy LA to a couple's college days in the ol' ATX. I just couldn't wait to see what would happen from minute to minute.
I thought I had heard there was a surprising twist, so I was waiting for it. It is a great story, catapulting us into a very dramatic, but mysterious ending. We had to go to the net to get a crowd perspective on it. I'm not the only person to say out loud when the lights came up, "What was the point of all this?" I got The Matrix, y'all. It shouldn't be as complicated to figure out what happened in this movie.
Was revenge the point of it, for her leaving him all those years ago? I think that was the point. I mean there was an art piece in the gallery that said REVENGE, for heaven's sake. How many clues do we need? If so, I think the ending was too softened and needed a little more obvious realization and some sort of reaction on her part, that would have made it more clear. Perhaps Ford didn't want it to be that definitive.
See it for the sheer beauty and compelling story. Also, it will keep you and your movie date talking about it all the way home!
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