Good News

Friday, March 24, 2017

Yesterday was Lauren's oncologist visit, to discuss results of her 4th MRI in a year-and-a-half. Her brain mass is still unchanged from the first MRI. Whew! Now she gets to wait 9 months for the next one. She'll probably go to a yearly schedule if that one is the same. Such a relief for all of us.

The docs want to keep checking it, but it's unlikely that it's a malignant tumor.  Because of its location, a biopsy would be risky. Hopefully in the next few years, imaging technology will improve to be able to determine what it is, so she can stop having checkups on it. Just very happy for her to be able to rest easier each time she gets a good report.

My website Facebook page hit 500 likes today!


I wanted to hit 500 before I close the site in August. Ha! I hovered at 498 for a few months, then got two likes this week. Woohoo!

I'm collecting Never Have I Ever questions for our birthday girls' weekend next month. There are some GREAT ones. Mwaahahahahaaa!! I'm also bringing Cards Against Humanity and a clingwrap gift ball. And a lot of Riesling. Fun fun. Can't wait.

Saturday 9: The Heat of the Moment (1982)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) What's something you did or said "in the heat of the moment?" 
I told a coworker he was "just being... silly!" when I was going to say "just being A JERK!" Gah. I was so irritated. Kyra even brought it up at the last happy hour, a full year after it happened. "That was my favorite part of the argument- Kathy telling him he was being SILLY!" Bwahaha!

2) Asia's founder and bass player, John Wetton, passed away in January. One of his bandmates remembered him as a reliable performer who made everyone around him look better. Do you enjoy being the center of attention? Or would you, like Mr. Wetton, prefer to play a supporting role?
I like playing a supporting role.

3) Asia is a British band who played their first US concert at Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York. The nearest major city -- Ottawa, Canada -- is a 90-minute drive from Pottsdam. When you were last in the car for an hour or more? Where were you going?
Last weekend when we drove from Austin to Boerne/San Antonio.

4) The song refers to disco hot spots, which apparently, by 1982, no one wanted to go to anymore. Let's make that negative into a positive. Describe your perfect night out with friends. Where would you go?
Out to a nice dinner, then hang out and chat at a lounge with a view, like the Hyatt Regency on Ladybird Lake or The Grove in Lakeway.

5) In 1982, the year this song was popular, someone laced bottles of Tylenol with cyanide. That's why we now have tamper-proof caps on many products. Have you used anything in a tamper-proof bottle yet today? 
I opened a bottle of soy sauce that was pretty tamper proof.

6) In 1982, Time Magazine's Person of the Year wasn't a person at all, it was "the computer." What do you use your computer for most often?
Lately, database programming. Typically, shopping and looking up stuff.

7) 1982 also saw the premiere of The Weather Channel. Where do you learn the day's weather forecast? (Watching the local news on TV, checking your phone, looking out the window ...)
Watching the morning news or checking my phone.

8) In 1982, Arnold Schwarzenegger's movie, Conan the Barbarian, was a hit in theaters. When you settle down to watch a movie, is it usually a fantasy, like Conan? Or do you prefer another genre (action, comedy, adventure, romance, drama, classic ...)
I like a lot of different genres, but my favorite is probably comedy.

9) Random question: What is something you try to avoid?
infectious diarrhea


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